Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hello Arkansans! I have started a new Ameraucana Breed Thread and thought I would post the link here to see if anyone wanted to join. Here is a brief description of the thread:

I have been browsing on the "sticky" Ameraucana thread lately and it seemed to me that there was a need to create a thread where members could discuss everything about Ameraucanas. Members should feel free to comment and ask questions about anything that has to do with Ameraucanas on this thread. Anyone can post pictures of APA-Standard birds, Purebred Non-Standard birds, Project Birds and even EE's! (Even though there are already wonderful EE threads out there). Feel free to discuss the standard of perfection for the breed as well. I hope that all subscribers of this thread will keep an open mind and not criticize other peoples differing opinions. Lets create a warm friendly and informative environment for both old-timers and new-comers alike.

Here is a link to the thread:
Hello everyone! I am Jahdan Hall. My dad is Jim Hall. I just joined BYC!

Hey I would love to get some input on experience with Ideal poultry birds. My first chickens came from TSC and some from the state fair. I have had chickens for 4 years and never added to my flock from outside sources. Most of my chickens were production reds and I have had a lot of loss at 2-3 yrs old from internal laying issues. This spring I would really love to add some Heritage breeds to my flock but have the issue of too many roosters. So it would be very hard on me if I ended up with a bunch more. Farmers orders from Ideal and is getting in some RIR'S and BR's but I am afraid I will just end up with production reds again. That route just seems the only way I know I can get just pullets. I would really love to add some BA's, BCM's, Jersey Giants, HRIR's and BLRW'S which I would try to get from everyone on this thread. Hatching out eggs just scares me since my male/ female ratio hasn't been in my favor the last couple of years. Thanks so much for any info!

I am going to try my hand at hatching some of my BCM's in the next couple of weeks. I will how that goes, and if it is good, then i can see about getting you some chicks if you still want.

Hey, Arkansas folks!

We have some neat events coming up soon here in Arkansas.

A friend and I were invited to speak at the Central Arkansas Ag Expo in Conway on March 23. We will be hosting a meetup as well at the Ag Expo. There is an admittance fee of $5. Over 6,000 visitors will be expected. A display of heritage poultry will be set up. Several hatcheries will also be sending some catalogs to hand out.

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March 22-24, 2013
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]
Faulkner County Expo Center & Fairgrounds

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]
2505 East Oak St.
Conway, AR 72032


South Arkansas Poultry Club Spring Show
Eldorado, Arkansas
First weekend of April.

Spring Livestock Show
May 2-4, 2013
Entry Deadline April 15, 2013
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! My eggs in the bator are hatching! I have a silver laced wyandotte baby!!

And 4 more pips! This is my first time to incubate and I'm super excited.

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