Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hi, it's Linda from Waldron. I just picked up some light Brahma/ Blue Cochin mix chicks tonight. They are a month old and huge. I've been thinking about getting some Brahmas and when I saw them on Facebook I messaged the man and within 10 minutes we worked out a deal and within an hour I had 4 new babies. So now my list of feathered ones are as follows: 11 black-sex link roos, 5 production red pullets (maybe?), what I believe is 2 black Jersey giants, 1 possible Cornish cross and 2 little chicks with Mohawks (maybe polish?) that are half the size of my others. The light Brahma/ Blue Cochin mix chicks are twice the size of my others chicks the same age. I hope I got some pullets since I know for sure I have 11 roosters already. Jeremy that sold me the chicks said he hatched 30 chicks out of 33 eggs. That's some good hatching rate! Anyway he was willing to sell hatching eggs but I don't have an incubator. I'm still considering a Cackle surprise box just for fun but I probably have enough chicks any way. We talk some about 4-H and he told my son that he could get chicks to raise from 4-H and all he had to do was put 4 in the fair to be auctioned off. He said they were straight run and out of the 20 he got 14 were hens so it sounds like a great idea for the kids and the family. We could have talked all night with him about chickens but it was late so I had to get my kids and the chicks back home. Don't you just love chicken people!
Hi, it's Linda from Waldron. I just picked up some light Brahma/ Blue Cochin mix chicks tonight. They are a month old and huge. I've been thinking about getting some Brahmas and when I saw them on Facebook I messaged the man and within 10 minutes we worked out a deal and within an hour I had 4 new babies. So now my list of feathered ones are as follows: 11 black-sex link roos, 5 production red pullets (maybe?), what I believe is 2 black Jersey giants, 1 possible Cornish cross and 2 little chicks with Mohawks (maybe polish?) that are half the size of my others. The light Brahma/ Blue Cochin mix chicks are twice the size of my others chicks the same age. I hope I got some pullets since I know for sure I have 11 roosters already. Jeremy that sold me the chicks said he hatched 30 chicks out of 33 eggs. That's some good hatching rate! Anyway he was willing to sell hatching eggs but I don't have an incubator. I'm still considering a Cackle surprise box just for fun but I probably have enough chicks any way. We talk some about 4-H and he told my son that he could get chicks to raise from 4-H and all he had to do was put 4 in the fair to be auctioned off. He said they were straight run and out of the 20 he got 14 were hens so it sounds like a great idea for the kids and the family. We could have talked all night with him about chickens but it was late so I had to get my kids and the chicks back home. Don't you just love chicken people!

I love talking chicken with people too. Sometimes j get to going and if my wife is there she rolls her eyes when I get to talking.

If chicken talk isn't going on I don't have as much to say and am pretty quite unles you get me riled up, then I can be very loud.
Looks like at least a couple of my 3 month old Jubilee Orpingtons are cockerels.
Is anybody interested and what is a fair price?
Greenfire bloodlines.
Will have to get pics.

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