Articles- What would you like someone to write about?


11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Bailey, Mississippi.
Alright, so im trying to both.. Improve my grammar/spelling. And be able to use words correctly.

With that i am writing articles on... Pretty much anything but i am dead right now. I was using gamefowl, since they kind of get trashed "That's a different story" and im so passionate about them. But lately i feel like going to more "bigger issues" like, the world issues, and such.. But you can suggest anything you'd like.. And if you want when i finish i'll send you it.

No one has to give me some ideas i am just asking

I can guarantee you i will probably write in on that.. Some of my most favorite subjects to write on are "Touchy" subjects.. I've got quite a few ideas lined up but am looking for more as well.
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Daniel -- I commend you for doing more writing to become better at those things you mentioned. I tell my students all the time that they won't get better at something if they never do it. It's sort of like wishing they had basketball skills in real life but spending more time playing NBA 2009 than picking up a ball.

Are you looking for things to write about that you could make BYC pages for? If so, I have an entire list of requests. Ha ha!
Nature Deficit Disorder

The concept that many of todays children grow up without ever experiencing nature...not just going to the park for the afternoon but truly experiencing nature the way that some of us have...

*growing tadpoles
*pressing leaves in wax paper
*seeing anything born
*growing something from seed
*the feel of grass/mud between your toes
*knowing where to look for the man on the moon
*the sound of a bullfrog

and the effects that this deficit has on that generation.

My newest soapbox

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