Ascites, Black Poop, Unhappy Chicken


Oct 20, 2017
I'm at a complete loss.... 2 year old Delaware. Has had huge problems with tapeworms this last year. Was on deaths door with severe acites and limpness in May when I was at a total loss and gave her Zimectrin Gold and she perked up over the next few days. About 2 weeks later she was back to normal chickening.
Fast forward to 5 days ago, same symptoms, tape worm segments in poop, acites, unsteady walk. I gave her the Zim Gold again but no improvement this time. Yesterday she stopped eating and drinking, I syringe fed some water with electrolytes and basically expected her to be dead in the morning. But this chicken is not going down without a fight apparently.
My question is today she has what looks like black poop and her left leg wants to splay out behind her (right stays folded in). If I hold her, it folds under no problem but while she's laying anywhere else, it sticks straight out.
She's got a bit more energy today. Actually drinking quite a bit of the Save-a-Chick electrolyte water on her own. But she's got no fat left on her so I can't imagine she'll be able to fight a whole lot longer.
Any ideas??

Cross posted in another group with mentions of Coccidiosis and enteritis. I was hoping for someone else to help decide between corrid and penicillin. I'm thinking the leg problem is actually a vitamin deficiency so I'm hoping with the vitamin and electrolyte water will help with that.
The black poop is not from her diet. All she's had the past week is a teeny tiny bit of layer feed, scrambled egg and mealworms. She's still not eating today, was hoping to get some plain yogurt in her without success.

Taquito Sick.jpg
Taquito Sick.jpg
I'm not a vet, but is it possible she could have Mareks? when I couldn't get mine to eat I went through the fridge and put a small sample of things on a tsp. she wanted cottage cheese and cucumbers. we also gave her colloidal silver.
How about trying to give her a probiotic? That will hopefully help her gut, if part of that is the problem. And if there's blackish stool, I am wondering what that could be from too. It doesn't appear to be dried blood, unless it's presenting in person differently than it's coming across in the photo.

If she's having a liver toxicity problem, and who knows, maybe she is, here's a home remedy to clean the liver & flush out the toxins: in a measuring cup or juice glass, mix 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda, add 1 Tablespoon Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (must use ACV & Braggs is preferred for multiple reasons.) After the foaming calms down, add 2 Tablespoons tap water & swirl to mix all. Draw it up into a (non-needle) syringe & down the chicken throat it goes. (Of course, all of the normal 'don't aspirate her' apply.) Get as much into her as you can, swirling to get a good mix of all ingredirects incl the baking soda into the syringe. Try tonight, repeat in the am & tomorrow late afternoon, too. If you need another day, by all means, am & pm. Make a fresh batch for each dose. And once she figures out what's up, she won't like it. If she starts out with little to no fight then perks up & squirms a lot, she's a) feeling better & b) the jig is up & she might need more encouragement to take it. By that time with mine, I let them out of it, figuring that their little chicken bodies are finely tuned.

I don't know what the splayed wing/foot thing is from but if you suspect a vitamin deficiency, has she been out for a sun bake lately? I will have to do some research as to why the splaying behavior isn't bilateral or at least trading sides when she adjusts how she's lying down.

I don't know if any of this will help or not, but you may find that trying something simple could be of help. I hope so, as sick girls make us sad & she's quite beautiful.

You mentioned previous ascites...any swelling now? Is it possible that she ate something that she shouldn't have? Some people have given activated charcoal to help with toxicity, so you might search on the site about that. The Baking Soda, ACV, Water mix is natural, too & you may already have those ingredients on hand.

Let us know how she's doing & I hope she rebounds.
So sorry your girl is not well. The leg thing makes me think of Marek’s, but if you suspect vitamin deficiency, by all means, treat it. I still don’t know which poultry vitamins are best, and hope someone chimes in, but I think vitamin B12 and selenium keep getting mentioned. Good luck and keep us posted!

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