Asian Blue Young rooster


Dec 29, 2017
I got this Asian Blue Rooster from Tractor Supply. He was supposed to be a hen. How big is he going to get. He is a monster now and is only 5 months old. I cannot find a lot of info on Asian Blue chickens.


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I bought six straight run (the only way they were sold) Asian Blues from Tractor Supply. They are now almost six months old. Out of the six, four ended up being roosters. They are HUGE (at least five pounds and solid) and each is different. One was solid black (Truman) w/green and blue sheen (I lost him to a varmint), one is black with an orange/red head and neck (Flash), another is black on his lower half and orange/red on his upper half (Rojo), the last one is black with streaks of orange/red over his entire body (Blaze). In the beginning, I thought Blaze was a pullet because his comb was smaller and he was smaller than the other roosters. He has since caught up to the others. When they were chicks all but Rojo were solid black with some white on their heads. Rojo was brown and white and I thought maybe he had been mixed up in the tanks, but they swore he was an Asian Blue. The hens are solid black with a green and blue sheen and smaller than the roosters, but still larger than the Isa Browns that I bought at the same time. All of the Asian Blues have blue/green legs.

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