Ask Aunt Maisie

Dear shabby,
My name is Luna. I am a blueish black mixed breed hen. I live with 2 roosters and a hen. The hens name is Stella. I am very scared of her. She's always been bigger than me, and I haven't challenged her authority. Recently she was attacked by a dog, and she is now injured and can't walk well. My owner was feeding her and I was really hungry so I went over to eat the crumbs. Stella saw me and stared at me, and it was super scary! I thought she was going to peck me.....I later overheard my owner calling me a "beta type". What should I do? Stella is better now and she likes to peck me. The roosters aren't helping whatsoever.

Lost and hopeless,
Dear shabby,
My name is Luna. I am a blueish black mixed breed hen. I live with 2 roosters and a hen. The hens name is Stella. I am very scared of her. She's always been bigger than me, and I haven't challenged her authority. Recently she was attacked by a dog, and she is now injured and can't walk well. My owner was feeding her and I was really hungry so I went over to eat the crumbs. Stella saw me and stared at me, and it was super scary! I thought she was going to peck me.....I later overheard my owner calling me a "beta type". What should I do? Stella is better now and she likes to peck me. The roosters aren't helping whatsoever.

Lost and hopeless,
Dear Luna .
I’m very sorry to hear that Stella was injured.
It sounds like you are at the bottom of your pecking order. Most of the sweetest hens are there. If you are not getting enough food, try telling your human about it. Chicken is a pretty easy language to learn, with the right teacher, and signs are great too! If that doesn’t work, maybe ask one of the roosters about it. One of them might be able to help you.
All my love to your coop!
Dear Shabby,
I am a goose hen. I love my keepers. I great them every day and love to be around them. They feed me and talk to me and give me water. But sometimes they try to touch me, especially when I’m eating or cornered! I hate this, and I run away. Why do they do this?
Dear Shabby,
I am a goose hen. I love my keepers. I great them every day and love to be around them. They feed me and talk to me and give me water. But sometimes they try to touch me, especially when I’m eating or cornered! I hate this, and I run away. Why do they do this?
Dear Cocoa
You sound like a wonderful goose. Your owners are very lucky! They just are showing their appreciation by holding you. It’s a pretty common thing with poultry keepers. Your human may also be giving you checkups to make sure you are healthy! All it is is a little sign of their love for you!
All my love to you and your flock!

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