At what age can a goose sleep outside?


11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Colorado Springs
I have a 4 week old sebastopol. Can he sleep outside in the coop yet? He spends all day out in the yard and I've been bringing him in at night, but I'm wondering if he is ready for a night outside yet. Thanks!
Hi, I am not sure but I have four week old tufted buff geese and tonight they are spending the night at in their pen for the first time. They are just starting to get feathers but they have a straw to bed down in.
Thanks for the response! He too is starting to feather out and I feel like he would be ok. There is also straw in the coop area for him. He is just getting way too big for his cage inside and I really think he prefers it out there anyway.
Well, it is morning and mine made it and are very happy. They were hilarious this morning when they realized they weren't in the cage and could run.

I hope your did okay too.

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