At what age can Call Ducks be around "full grown" ducks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
New Hampshire
Hi there! Newbie here! We are 13 weeks into our first venture with chickens, and a couple of weeks into our first venture with ducks. We took in 3 4-5 month old Rouen Ducks, a 7 month old Pekin, 4 (now) 5 week old Call Ducks, and a 4 week old Muscovy. I was told to keep the Call Ducks away from the older ones until they were older and able to fend off the bigger ducks. We have all the ducks in temporary living quarters for now anyway with the ducklings together and the bigger/older ones together. We let them out into the yard under supervised play, and today was the first day we had the ducklings out at the same time as the older ducks. One of the Rouen females went after the smallest one 3-4 times, but other than that, they all did fine. My question is, at what age is it ok to allow them to live (sleep, hang out, etc) in the same area?? We are setting up the larger, permanent living quarters for all of the ducks this weekend...should we be dividing it up somehow?
I wouldn't let the calls out with the LF ducks ever. The larger drakes can cause major injury to those tiny little call ducks. As a side note, the call ducks can fly so you will need to trim wings our keep them in an enclosed aviary or pen.

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