At what age do cornish do without heat?


9 Years
Feb 1, 2010
North Dakota
Wow, the pen in the barn is getting stinky! I've only got 24 cornish in there along with some laying birds. I'd like to move them out to a chicken tractor, but I am concerned about the temps falling at night. They are almost six weeks old and when I come in the day to tend to them I find them under the lamp hanging out. So clearly they still like to use it. Is there an age where temps no longer matter? I'd love to get these guys out on pasture but our night temps still fall to near freezing at night. Would like to know what your experiences are. thanks!
I moved our 38 our to the shed (no heat, but enclosed) at a little over 4 weeks old. They were pretty much fully feathered at that point except their butts, which I'm not totally convinced will ever feather in. It still falls into the 40's here at night. They hudle together, but have been ok!
Wow, 6 week old Cornish X's are still indoors?! I feel bad for you! They can handle freezing temps at three weeks old, although I usually would put a heat lamp out with three week olds if it was going to get near freezing. Your six weekers should be absolutely fine. Sure, they still LIKE the heat lamp, but they don't NEED it anymore.
Couldn't have put it better myself!
Agreeing with above, and just adding that at 3 weeks, it is said that can withstand freezing temperatures outdoors (32 F), but I like to be a bit more cautious, and try to make sure that temps are 40's or more at night when they are that young. Certainly by 4 weeks, they should be able to withstand just about anything (within reason).

Having said that, if temps are too cold, they will expend a lot of their energy simply trying to stay warm, and won't grow quite as much.

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