At what age???


12 Years
Jul 2, 2007
W. Tennessee
I have some Buff Orphingtons and some Plymouth Barred Rocks that were hatched out on April 5 of this year. About a week and a half ago, some of the Buff boys started trying to crow. Though they sounded (and still do) pitiful, I have to give them an "E" for effort!! And admittedly, I enjoy hearing them belt out their attempts to keep up with the neighbor's roosters!!

At what age or about what age should the girls start to lay eggs? As I said they are all 3 months old today. I was thinking that the girls started laying within 2 or 3 weeks of the boys beginning to crow, but can't remember for sure.

Any help that you can lend would be greatly appreciated.

My Barred Rocks started around 4-5 mths.. I got them in October and found my first egg around mid Feb - first part of March.. they were all laying at 5 mths..and the cold weather didnt seem to affect them at all... I would expect the same for the BO.. I think thats about normal unless you have commerical layer types..
Most breeds of chicken will start laying at the 5-6 month mark. Some will begin to lay earlier, some will begin to lay later. Barred rocks start at about 5 months.
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My two buff Orphingtons are 21 weeks old and have NOT started laying. I'm going crazy waiting for an egg!!! I also was wondering when they start laying!

I told those little ladies that if I didn't see an egg soon they were going to the zoo to be fed to the tigers!!
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Should be in a week or two for you. Mine started at 22 and 23 weeks, respectively. I currently have a Blue Orp pullet who is now 22 weeks and just popped out a tiny little pullet egg.
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Thanks for all of the replies. After having read all of the posts, it seems like I remember reading a book some time ago about chickens and it said around 5 to 6 months of age. But, I have learned not to place tooooo much trust in my memory any more!!! LOL

Thanks again,

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