Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2022
Hi everyone! My run is made out of an outdoor dog kennel with the kind of fencing pictured below. I just ordered a bunch of hardware cloth to make it more secure. My question is, what is the best way to attach the hardware cloth to the fence? Tying with metal wire? Hog ties? I’m open to anything lol. Thanks!
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You might also consider making an apron by putting some hardware cloth around the bottom/on the ground to secure it from any digging predators. I think that would be attached the same way you attach to sides, just make sure it comes out at least 18 inches (24in is better) all the way around, especially corners. It's extra work, but great insurance!
We picked up some 8" extreme weather cable ties from Lowes. They did soften a bit in the direct sun over the summer, but seem to be holding up pretty well. If you're not intending to use vinyl or pvc coated hardware cloth, the hog rings that others are suggesting will probably blend in and look the best as well.

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