*Attention All Leather Workers... Giving this one more shot

A1 Steak Sauce

10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
My House
Well, I'm going to try this one more time, I'd like a "mountain man" type shirt made. I can't do it myself, I no longer have the time (on top of other things) or the extra skins to want to screw them up by practicing on them lol. I have two hair-on deer hides, one brain (rofl,) and one hide has one small bullet hole, the other has two where the bullet went all the way through, they aren't ripped up by any means, pretty nice-sized hides. One's been frozen for about a year and the other for a couple months, if that helps. Like I said, I can't do them myself, I've got a few things going on to where I just can't, and no one around here knows how lol. So if you know who can do this kind of stuff, please let me know! Thanks in advance.

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