AUCTION 6+ LF Dark Cornish Hatching Eggs

This format is new to me also. I gave the choice to bid either way so some can bid their maximum and not constantly check back and possibly miss the chance to bid up or bid everytime someone else bids which I would not really like myself. If there is only one bidder then you get the eggs for the minimum either way. If this does not work well I may do it differently next time. As I was informed this is the beauty of the new system... more choices in selling formats.

He said to post our max bid, which doesn't quite seem right but with this new forum everything is messed up. Minimum bid is $10.00, if I bid $20 and nobody else bids then do I pay the $10 or the $20?
The BEAUTY of it? Surely they said that in jest

It is confusing at best. If someone posts their max bid right off the bat, then all one has to do is bid a penny more. I think the method of posting each individual bid is the better way to go with how this is running. Hopefully Nifty can get it worked out so we can do proxy bidding again and get rid of this confusing way altogether.
The old system timed out too whenever the seller wanted it to end, now you have to make sure which time zone they are in to figure out just when the auction ends.
Just so you know, I'm a watchin', Ksane. I'm a watchin'.
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