Audacious Dream? "Coop" training for Roaming Flock


7 Years
Nov 20, 2016
I have two flocks (by their choice not mine). One sensibly uses my real coop and run that leads onto a couple of hectares of pasture they freely range. The second flock refuses to. They fence hop (despite clipping one or both wings!) and sleep in trees, verandahs, car ports, etc. Their pooping is driving us nuts but we dearly love them as pets and some cannot handle exposure during our wet season.

So we've constructed an open house of their own near my verandah. It is oriented to protect them from winter winds, summer sun, rain and storms. A high ladder roost with open "nest" boxes are being made to mirror where they currently lay and roost.

It is not finished yet but I am trying to train them this is now their area for food and water. I'd love some tips for training them to accept their new fully serviced casita!

I have also recently removed the father and son roosters attached to each flock to bring in some new blood. I do not know if it is good to wait to get new a rooster or if a new rooster will help the roaming gang adopt their new casita???

Here is the gang that refuses to reside in the real coop (pictured behind) with the normal flock!

roaming chickens 1.jpg

Like her hatch mates, she had her chicks on my verandah and they refuse to go to the coop:

roaming chickens.jpg

Here is the new unfinished casita, its dimensions are similar to the real coop.
They're now fed there and their favorite garden furniture to poop on :rolleyes: has been placed inside:

new coop 4.jpg

new coop 3.jpg
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Thats GORGEOUS! I'd live there - lol!

The best way I know is to contain them in it for a while. I don't know if you can do that. Maybe use temporary fencing?
Unless they are broody I can't catch them :lau they love attention and follow me like puppies but they're impossible to find even at night!


  • chickens front yard oct 2021.jpg
    chickens front yard oct 2021.jpg
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It has taken forever but we finally have the 2nd coop for our free range "tree dwellers" ready. This morning I managed to trick 3 of the girls with food into their new casita. I hope to get the other 2 when they're laying an egg in our workshop area :rolleyes: you can guess this is a bone of contention with the men folk :confused:
A temporary wire fence wraps the casita. They'll be "trapped" in their casita for about 10-14 days. I am hoping it is long enough??? to train them this is their roost and egg house! Afterwards the wire fence will be removed and they can free range again as they please.

Already the new egg boxes are being used. Tomorrow we'll place wood shavings on the floor (I threw their food down instead of shavings to get them inside). We'll be pruning the lower branches of their favourite roosting tree :hmm and I hope it makes it inaccessible to them so they'll return to their casita!
The casita is positioned for protection from winter winds and the worst of summer sun - it's also a cute view from my working porch🥰 I love watching them and they love being talked to.... now if I can just catch the other 2 rascals!
I'm hoping to have 8-10 hens eventually use this casita.

second coop training 1.jpg
2nd coop training.jpg

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