Audible Breathing


May 24, 2022
My 10 month old Plymouth Barred Rock has started breathing audibly. Not labored, just some whistling occasionally when I lean in. Should she be quarantined from her two buddies? Should I be worried? It's been a little rainy in my area, but I've continually kept them dry and have been waiting until the heavy rain stops to reclean their henhouse.
It's likely just stridor, something in the air way. It will pass.
Thank you. She has sneezed once but is otherwise active and interested in food and water. She's wandering around just fine and poop seems all good. Nothing else wrong with her, just the breathing that I can sometimes hear. But vocal and active as always.
I would just monitor her, but I would not isolate her. Signs of a respiratory disease would be eye bubbles or watery eyes, any swelling of the face or eyelids, mucus from nostrils, frequent sneeze or cough, and head shaking.

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