Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning Friends

I am definitely not complaining because there are people a heap worse off .. but nothing like waking up and finding that there is a burst water main in your street, you are one of 42 houses affected and restoration is expected around 08:30am.

Been up for an hour and in that hour I have realised just how reliant we are on that water … toilet, coffee, fresh chicken water, shower, water for cats .. and that is just the first hour.

Luckily we had enough water in the fridge for coffee and the cats and hopefully it is back on before the heat of the day as I would like to give the gals fresh water before the expected 34C predicted temps. There is always the supermarket where we can pick up water .. sure makes you grateful for what we have.

Hey Luke, good to see you again! Good to see you again also cwrite, yep, tis the season to be broody.

I am back to no broodys!

Because KiKi stresses in the broody breaker to the point that she frantically throws herself against the wire to get out and I am concerned she will hurt herself, the plan was to simply lock her out of the nest box between 4pm and 5am until the weekend when they are supervised free ranging for the majority of the day and I can lock her out of the coop with distractions. Anyways, after 4 days, yesterday at 1pm she left the nest of her own accord and so far, has not returned Hubby decided to take his PC outside to work and listen to the cricket so the gals got bonus free range.

The only difference yesterday being that we only got one egg and Dusty laid that in the spare nest box in the other part of the coop, away from the main nest boxes. I am thinking it might be because she has not been sitting on an actual egg for over 24 hours, it got a little too hot in there or, because she was recently broody, she just gave up.

Whatever the reason .. good stuff!!
Good morning Friends :frow

I am definitely not complaining because there are people a heap worse off .. but nothing like waking up and finding that there is a burst water main in your street, you are one of 42 houses affected and restoration is expected around 08:30am.

Been up for an hour and in that hour I have realised just how reliant we are on that water … toilet, coffee, fresh chicken water, shower, water for cats .. and that is just the first hour.

Luckily we had enough water in the fridge for coffee and the cats and hopefully it is back on before the heat of the day as I would like to give the gals fresh water before the expected 34C predicted temps.  There is always the supermarket where we can pick up water .. sure makes you grateful for what we have.

Hey Luke, good to see you again!  Good to see you again also cwrite, yep, tis the season to be broody.

I am back to no broodys! :celebrate

Because KiKi stresses in the broody breaker to the point that she frantically throws herself against the wire to get out and I am concerned she will hurt herself, the plan was to simply lock her out of the nest box between 4pm and 5am until the weekend when they are supervised free ranging for the majority of the day and I can lock her out of the coop with distractions.  Anyways, after 4 days, yesterday at 1pm she left the nest of her own accord and so far, has not returned  Hubby decided to take his PC outside to work and listen to the cricket so the gals got bonus free range.

The only difference yesterday being that we only got one egg and Dusty laid that in the spare nest box in the other part of the coop, away from the main nest boxes.  I am thinking it might be because she has not been sitting on an actual egg for over 24 hours, it got a little too hot in there or, because she was recently broody, she just gave up.

Whatever the reason .. good stuff!!

Hope your water problem is fixed soon. I know that feeling to well. Loose power out here and no water at all. No flushing of the loos etc. Thankfully we don't usually loose power for more than a few hours.
Yay for no broodies :celebrate I thought miss blue marans had been broken as she hadn't been sitting for 2 days and yesterday morning i went out to feed them and she was back as broody as ever. :he
Yeah I think so.
At this time of year when many of my hens decide to start being broody, there are always a few that only put in half the effort. They will fluff up and walk around the yard squawking at everyone in sight (just like a normal broody) but they won't, or just for small amounts of time, sit on a nest. Usually in the next week or so they get the idea though and eventually go full broody.
I think it's because they see all the other broody hens and get royally confused on what to do with themselves. It's quite funny to watch.

Thankfully I am broody free too, a good 2 weeks now, I'm back to 5 or 6 eggs a day with 7 hens, Lily appears to be going into moult, she looks awful, but still laying, if somewhat smaller eggs. My little araucana chick went to his new home yesterday. He's to have a harem of his own when he's older, they have rir and australorp so I've asked them to let me know the results if they hatch anything from him. He almost scored a job breeding for show but his comb is just ever so slightly crooked.
The rest of my roosters are up for sale too, and the 2 of my light Sussex pullets are going to start someone's flock tomorrow.
I spent most of the day in the front yard with all my chookies free ranging together. Even my best friend who is not a big fan of birds sat with me and enjoyed herself, as long as no one got too close. All up there was 26 birds, that's 20 more than council allows! Makes me even more keen to get some land so I can have those numbers all the time.
Well so much for worming. Filled the water this morning and then have been at school final assembly all morning. Weather heated up so when I got home about 11 went to check and they hadn't drunk a drop all day. Because it's turned out so hot I tipped it out and gave them fresh. Stupid things were drinking it off the ground where I tipped it.

Is it because being darkish blue/black looking in the dish they think it's not there maybe? It looked a lighter shade of blue on the ground.
I'd always thought it must taste bad but now don't know what to think?
Well so much for worming. Filled the water this morning and then have been at school final assembly all morning. Weather heated up so when I got home about 11 went to check and they hadn't drunk a drop all day. Because it's turned out so hot I tipped it out and gave them fresh. Stupid things were drinking it off the ground where I tipped it.

Is it because being darkish blue/black looking in the dish they think it's not there maybe? It looked a lighter shade of blue on the ground.
I'd always thought it must taste bad but now don't know what to think?
Awww! I use Avitrol Bird Wormer. No withholding period and you add it to their water. It's clear. Mine have never had any issues with it - so maybe it was just hot?
Awww! I use Avitrol Bird Wormer.  No withholding period and you add it to their water.  It's clear.  Mine have never had any issues with it - so maybe it was just hot?

No they wouldn't drink it last year either, I'd thought it was my other one though that they didn't like. (I alternate types think the other one I have could be the avitrol)
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My goodness. Haven't seen you in forever! How are your birds going? Last I think I heard you were rethinking what you were going to keep and breed?

Hey all

Yeah they are good. I have some Marans now and am happy with them. Things have slowed down in the chicken department as I have yr 12 and what not, but I'll definitely still keep some chicken as they look good in the garden and are nice to look after.

How are all your lot appps?
Well so much for worming. Filled the water this morning and then have been at school final assembly all morning. Weather heated up so when I got home about 11 went to check and they hadn't drunk a drop all day. Because it's turned out so hot I tipped it out and gave them fresh. Stupid things were drinking it off the ground where I tipped it.

Is it because being darkish blue/black looking in the dish they think it's not there maybe? It looked a lighter shade of blue on the ground.
I'd always thought it must taste bad but now don't know what to think?

I was almost glad to read this appps .... helped me to be less frustrated. No offense --- I know you are just as frustrated as I was.

Wormed my 3 - and one is definitely wormed ( little Mindy Araucana ) .... she drank almost the lot. The other two big girls ????
Also didn't touch a drop. So I added some ice to it, thinking perhaps it was warm to them ( although it still felt cool to me ). They had a few sips, and that was it. Being the following day was sort of hottish, I got a bit frantic, knowing they must have been as thirsty as all get out, so tipped the lot out - delivered the fresh water, and they drank, drank and drank ....the little 'B's' .....

Next time I am going to put it into double or triple the water - they go through a lot of water, so may be able to fool them that way. I don't think they liked the colour ( pink ) or the taste.

Also asked the local stock and produce retailer / owner, if I could mix the appropriate amount in with their rice mixture I make, and she said yes. Would like to know what others think also of that advice ? It is Levamisole - Aristopet Poultry Wormer.

I think I will go with the super diluted drinking water, so that it is less concentrated, and more just like plain water. And let them drain it dry ( under constant observation of course ).

And oh yes - ya can't tip water on the ground for heavens sake ... they will chase it and drink it ... they really are sad cases at times. !!!

Cheers ......
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