Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Coconut oil is good too if you ever need to massage the crop if you have impaction concerns, and it also has nutritional benefits. I had no probs getting Annabelle to eat some a while ago, she rather enjoyed it.

But yes, I think it's going to take some time for my Esme's feet to get back to normal, have to wait for the scales to shed. Her feet are sooooo dirty atm, and her tummy, from the dirt sticking to the vaseline. I'll see how she goes after a week. She's still pancaking on the ground a bit, but I've seen her getting up to eat, dustbath and such as well, so she's in good spirits. It must just be really irritating her feet, nasty little mites.

Would dusting the coop with pestene be good as well? I did a full clean yesterday (THAT was a painful undertaking, as I had three of them whinging at me, getting in the way on purpose the whole time).
You can use Vaseline mixed with sulphur powder, which is basically what Major scale away is, with the exclusion of rotenone. I stopped using pestene because it contains rotenone which has been linked to Parkinson's disease. Just remember that eggs are very porous and anything you lather their legs with will ultimately make it into your food chain. I've used and recommended Vicks for 15 years. It is soothing and generally only needs to be applied a few times. Spinosad is the new generation pesticide and is completely organic. Marketed here as comfortis for dogs it is also in the garden section Yates Success.
You can use Vaseline mixed with sulphur powder, which is basically what Major scale away is, with the exclusion of rotenone. I stopped using pestene because it contains rotenone which has been linked to Parkinson's disease. Just remember that eggs are very porous and anything you lather their legs with will ultimately make it into your food chain. I've used and recommended Vicks for 15 years. It is soothing and generally only needs to be applied a few times. Spinosad is the new generation pesticide and is completely organic. Marketed here as comfortis for dogs it is also in the garden section Yates Success.

Thanks Fancy.... great advice
You can use Vaseline mixed with sulphur powder, which is basically what Major scale away is, with the exclusion of rotenone. I stopped using pestene because it contains rotenone which has been linked to Parkinson's disease. Just remember that eggs are very porous and anything you lather their legs with will ultimately make it into your food chain. I've used and recommended Vicks for 15 years. It is soothing and generally only needs to be applied a few times. Spinosad is the new generation pesticide and is completely organic. Marketed here as comfortis for dogs it is also in the garden section Yates Success.

Fortunately Ezzie isn't laying atm, and her legs have improved. A lot of dead scales came off yesterday, and she's standing on her feet more. So hooray. I might exnay the pestene, unless I get another outbreak.

Mabel my araucana layed an egg today that was totally coated in powder. Her last few eggs have had calcium deposits, as did this, plus the powdery build up. Is this another sign of excess calcium? I've taken away all but one grit dish, as only 2 hens are laying anyway. If it is, then it's an easy fix thankfully. Always something with my girls lately.
Hello all ... yes it is a little annoying not to get updates from BYC now ... ( at least I haven't found where to activate that - maybe someone else has ?? ) .... so I keep a link in my inbox, and visit once a week. Always pleased to be here. Usually find about 3 pages to catch up on.

Interesting all the comments on scaly mite, which is what I believe poor Mandy had suffered from ( and probably still does ). I put Vaseline on her legs twice a week, but will go with the Vicks from tomorrow, weather permitting. I also give her about 1/8th teaspoon of Turmeric on rice or bread, 3 - 4 times a week, just in case she has painful discomfort, as scaly mite can cause pain. Vaseline / Vicks does not cure, but certainly chokes the blighters. I have not seen any scales 'lifting' but her legs have darkened. Not sure if that is clogged up dead mites under the scales, or just a part of ageing. I have not attempted to remove any scales - But - - - should I try ?

Since using the Vaseline, she has improved a great deal. Was 'pancaking' as Fizzy described ... and sat down a lot, spread out and would raise her tail, which is something she did not regrow after her latest moult. :confused: But what there is of it, she raises in pleasure..... eats like a horse, and can walk - even run when there is special tucker being given. But she still prefers to sit a lot. Not that I blame her - she knows where she is best off in the dreadful wet / cold we've been having. Freezing to the bone stuff. She prefers her bed or dryness of the coop. Perfectly happy and healthy. Mindy is laying 5 eggs a week. Molly and Mandy - zilch. Molly looks superb, but is quite a bit lighter in weight and doesn't eat anywhere near as much as Mandy or Mindy do. Yet she seems healthy. Both big girls have shrunken combs, but with good colour and no nasties on them. They are all 5 yrs old in September.

Nice to read all the news here - will be back again next week I hope.

Cheers .....
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