Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Another blow last night. Went out to a friends for dinner came back and found all my marans and my 10 year old white faced black Spanish dead. Some gone alot just dead missiing heads. The foxes are sure determined this year as they dug under the concrete and the corro barrier. R.I.P girls. I have 1 3 week old female marans and a male left that didn't sell yet. Fingers crossed i can get them up to laying age.
I think it would do fine. I don't have any in the run area as such but i have a massive custard apple just outside the run. The girls love to hide under it on a hot day. Citrus do well in chicken runs i have heard.
My chicken run is under a lemon tree and is doing wonderfully well.
It’s been over 3 months ....cos I’ve been busy now that I am retired! How did I find time to work! I find the new format hard and fact has contributed to not being on BYC! But loved catching up this morning ... here on the Bellarine Peninsula (near Geeling Vic) we have a heat wave and the garden is just going off and my 4 SS Hamburghs are all laying most days! We are on a double block and have 2 Apricot trees, olive, Fig and a very productive lemon tree thanks to my chookens. The veggie patch is also enjoying the weather corn, beans, snow peas (never get to the kitchen), tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum, kale, silver beet and Fennell the last three my chookens favourite! However I am rubbish at growing rhubarb. During my reading I noted DE mentioned .... I was told it was unsafe for humans (Parkinson’s) and bad for the environment ie. insects etc Appreciate any feedback
Susan Hampshire I have chookens under my mandarin and orange and they are flourishing. I use DE only in the coops and the runs. I imagine if its bad for bad insects it would be just as bad for good bugs. I am careful not to put anywhere bees go or good bugs. Good luck with retirement. I used to think when the kids go to school I will have more time, but had less. Now the youngest is finished school I am working and there is no spare time. haha I was hoping retirement would be better but I have to wait another 12 years. Maybe I will be even busier then. haha
I think the new format is the reason so few of us get on here.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
It’s been over 3 months ....cos I’ve been busy now that I am retired! How did I find time to work! I find the new format hard and fact has contributed to not being on BYC! But loved catching up this morning ... here on the Bellarine Peninsula (near Geeling Vic) we have a heat wave and the garden is just going off and my 4 SS Hamburghs are all laying most days! We are on a double block and have 2 Apricot trees, olive, Fig and a very productive lemon tree thanks to my chookens. The veggie patch is also enjoying the weather corn, beans, snow peas (never get to the kitchen), tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum, kale, silver beet and Fennell the last three my chookens favourite! However I am rubbish at growing rhubarb. During my reading I noted DE mentioned .... I was told it was unsafe for humans (Parkinson’s) and bad for the environment ie. insects etc Appreciate any feedback
DE has been linked to respiratory problems if inhaled but I think it's pestene that you are thinking of with the Parkinson's link. Rotenone is the culprit. I don't use DE because anything you dust chickens with will invariably end up in your lungs and theirs. If you choose to use DE , be sure it's food grade and avoid inhaling it.
Hi my name is Sharon and I got my first chicken 17 years ago and never looked back lol.
I live in the southwest of Victoria.

I have (for now) 1 rooster and 8 and a quarter chickens, the quarter being 1 chick lol
I don't have any pictures due to not having a working mobile phone, sorry.

I have 2 nesting at the moment.
Maggie is sitting on 2 eggs and RoadRunner is sitting on 10 eggs and Daisy has been disappearing, so I reckon she is getting ready to nest and when she nests it is usually around 10 to 15 eggs. The largest clutch she has had was 13 chicks.

I also have 4 cats Blossom (15yo), Willow (11yo), Salem & Grayman (both 10yo litter brothers) and a 3yo dog who is Irish Wolfhound, Boxer cross and gets beaten up by Blossom lol

I know my avatar shows 5 cats, the Tortoiseshell Bubbles passed away 2 months ago, she would of been 16yo this month.
Welcome Sharon. Sounds like you have a menagerie. Sorry to hear about bubbles. I lost my cat sox at 15 and found it was like losing a family member, still brings tears to my eyes to sit at her tree . :(
Look forward to seeing pics of your feathered and fur friends. :)
Hey guys long time no see! Hope everyone and their feathered friends are well!

Just popping in to share this that came up in my Facebook feed. Will be an interesting read re the rooster!

Some great info in the new Australasian Poultry magazine. An urban contributor has trained her Light Sussex rooster not to crow. That's right, and the process has been a success. What do you know about chooks and copy cat behavior?
Understanding how fowls learn makes managing vices like feather pecking or egg eating easier.
Also, power off, and there are eggs in the incubator?
Read what happens in the egg and how best to manage your machine.
Good reading for poultry lovers.

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