Australians - Where are you all????

God i think i was gonna ask the same question!!!! LOL
Im here in the snowy mountains so yeah im cooler too like tassie just probly not as cool although ive never been to tassie
No, I haven't adopted any more dogs... The 2 dogs (poodles below) were a part of my family. They both died in 2010 - Candy first at age 18 then 3 months later Moses died at 14 years. I miss them terribly and still cry at times. They had been in our family for such a long time. They are now buried in our back yard, we planted some miniature rose bushes were they lie.

The reason I have printed these photos is because I have experience with dogs that do not shed. One thing you need to realise guinea fowl that the dogs that do not shed are a lot of work. I use to do my own clipping and grooming because if I had to pay for it, I would have had to pay $55 a piece and that every month if you want them to look good. In summer I use to clip both of them every 2 to 3 weeks to keep their fir short and especially between the toes, boy did they love that.
It was not only the clipping, you need to cut the nails, clean and pluck the ears (they are very prone to ear infections) and I use to squeeze their anal glands to take the pressure off (I was shown how to do this by a vet) otherwise it is very uncomfortable for the animal and they usually drag their bottoms on the ground/floor as if they had worms. If that black gooey, sticky stuff that comes out gets onto your clothes or carpet, you cannot get it out - it stinks too. You need to wipe their backsides and feet after they come back in especially after it has rained. Pooh sometimes stick to the fur in back. So I always had a doggy towel available at the door. So there is a lot involved when it comes to these types of dogs. They are however extremely smart, my 2 had characters galore, I could write a book on what they got into. They do no smell like other dogs. I remember I had to take Moses to the vet to have him castrated and the vet informed me not to wash him for 2 weeks. I thought oh no, he's going to stink by then however he didn't - I was quite surprised, probably because their fir is like wool.
Candy came from a refuge because she was dumped and had heart worm and very overweight however we got her well and she lived to a good age. I put her on the treadmill for a while and she lost the weight - she actually died in my arms. Moses had to be put down.

A lot of times poodles and the likes are dumped because people do not realise the work that it takes to keep them in good condition they just see the cuteness.




As for Oli, we also saved him from the refuge. He was a dog who had been abused, it took a while however he is fine now. Even though he is a Pomeranian, the vet believes he is crossed with a poodle or the equivalent as I have been very fortunate that he hardly molts. His tail is quite wavy. A few hair come off but I never seem to notice any on the rug or the lounge. They do have a double coat, the breed originates from the Husky. I will include a photo of him when we first got him (I can't find it at the moment) - he had so much hair it's amazing he could walk. It was really long and matted. I weighed him before and after, the hair that come off was 1 1/2 kilos - unbelievable. Normally Pomeranians are smaller than Oli and of a light brown colour. So I'm not sure if you actually got a pure bred Pom if it would be like this as well. A word of warning though - they are very yuppy dogs. They bark a lot and at everything, their hearing is apparently more sensitive than other breeds. Yes they are loveable and very protective of their owners. I suppose I chose Oli because firstly I fell in love with him, hair and all and secondly I didn't want another poodle because of the work.
So I hope I have helped you a bit. If you have any questions please let me know, I can't think of anything else at the moment except that Oli does not smell or stink, I don't know if this is just him or other Poms as well.

All that work for a Poodle Chrissy? Boy am I glad I talked someone I know out of getting one! She was set on a getting 'a cute fluffball' and I pointed out getting the fluffball groomed regularly would be expensive. She didn't even realize they needed clipping to keep them looking good! A lady at a pet shop told her the fur just grows like that and their coat is no work at all. :he I informed her they need regular clipping and if she bought a dog from a petshop or back yard breeder I'd tear strips off her! She ended up deciding a dog would too much trouble. :rolleyes: I'm sure glad I talked to her before she bought a pup.
G'day to you Kathryn and welcome
. I'm still a new egg myself and I enjoy being on here. You've got a chicken, you've got a problem, you got a headache from the chicken - just let loose and you never know what you might find out, especially if you are
which we all do at intervals. So welcome again
and have a wonderful day.

We Have a puppy!!!!!!

Well, sort of. We chose to go for a maltese, Found a breeder with the cutest ones I've ever seen, ever. Now we have a little 5 1/2 week old boy waiting in New Zealand.
Yes, you read that right.... New Zealand. Two and a bit weeks into February he will be flown to the Brisbane airport where we will meet him for the first time. I can't wait. He Is just the sweetest cutest little thing ever.
Did I say I can't wait

Congratulations Guinea, I hope you have lots of joy and fun with your new pup. Have you thought of a name yet? Can't wait to see a photo of him. Just curious, why New Zealand?
Well we origionally wanted a female, but couldn't find any within driving distance. This breeder in New Zealand, her Maltese look a lot different to the usual. They are about half the size as the normal ones too. To we thought that if we were going get a puppy flown from somewhere then why pick the closest place still. So we went for the New Zealand breeder, then ended up getting a boy anyway :lol: It is a three hour flight so we are all very anxious about it and I'm sure that feeling will just get stronger as the time gets closer.
We chose a Maltese because they hardly loose any hair and usually don't smell at all. The perfect inside dog.
I can't seem to post a photo from my phone. You'll have to wait for a little while.

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