Australorps breed Thread

Sorry to say at 3 to 4 weeks that is definitely a cockerel (little boy). Not all strains are the same, but my cockerels always feather out slower than the pullets. Between 4 and 6 weeks the comb will turn pinkish and the wattles will show if it is a boy.

I am actually delighted! I wanted two full sized Roo's - I have 26 total - but I think 4 of my OEGB's are Roo's - and I have doubts they are going to be able to be able to successfully cover my BA, Barred Rock or Gold Wyandottes. So - I am super excited. Thank you!
Rattlesnake, I so hope so. Thank you. The Korean War vet next door has alzheimer's. His wife has heart disease. They need quiet. The only one I'm worried about now is the lighter hybrid. "She" is either a Bielefelder/Ameraucana hybrid or a Cream Legbar/Ameraucana hybrid. I should know if I have a pullet or rooster there soon. Funny.... I have a 2.5 year old Barred Rock and she started acting like a "he". She stopped laying and started crowing for about 5 months. Everyone said once this happens, there is no reversion but I guess she hasn't quite made up up her mind because after four months, she has stopped crowing and started laying again. I'm glad I gave it a bit more time. She has a large wattle and comb and is laying huge eggs about 3 x's a week (as opposed to the rest who are laying more like 5 x's a week right now.)
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Sorry to say at 3 to 4 weeks that is definitely a cockerel (little boy). Not all strains are the same, but my cockerels always feather out slower than the pullets. Between 4 and 6 weeks the comb will turn pinkish and the wattles will show if it is a boy.

Hmmmmm. I went out this morning because he is one of my favorites - he is totally chill and will come hang out with me when I talk to him, climbs up on my arm to roost and falls asleep on me.

The other BA purchased that week is a witch on wheels. She has been hand fed from day one but in the last week or so has moved to trying to peck and twist the flesh on my hand in one smooth motion that is going to be painful for me and potential fatal to her when she gets older. She's not that far from being renamed SeaHag.

Anyway - she started out fat and fluffy, feathered out FAR faster than the little guy, her tail feathers are twice the length of his, and she has been getting a LOT leaner. I know the Pullets will have a comb too - but in case I managed two Roo's in my straight run - she's getting Renamed either Soup or Lunch because I don't need a he that is that big of a jerk.

I tried to get pics of the two of them - anyone care to tell me if you think she's actually a he?

The one everyone thinks is a Roo:

The two of them, she's the top one on the Frame:

She's still on top, he's on bottom:

Same thing - he's on the bottom:

Give it two more weeks and you will see a noticable difference between the two if they are infact a cockerel and a pullet. Comb on the boy will be pink, wattles showing, bigger feet, overall size difference etc. The pullets comb will almost look yellow compared to his.
Give it two more weeks and you will see a noticable difference between the two if they are infact a cockerel and a pullet. Comb on the boy will be pink, wattles showing, bigger feet, overall size difference etc. The pullets comb will almost look yellow compared to his.

Oh he is already substantial bigger when you see them next to each other.

I will try to be patient. I am not likely to succeed but I will *try*.

Your birds are beautiful Kurt - I can't believe how cool the blues look - I am looking and thinking that I am going to owe my friend a lot of heirloom tomatoes if he agrees to let me put some of your hatching eggs into his ginormous incubator.

One thing at a time - I need to learn on my "starter flock" first...but the whole hatching egg thing is like Christmas - so I am already trying to figure out where I can build a second coop and run at...

Chicken Math.
Prairie, go ahead and plan for your third coop now too, even if you don't build it yet. You already know you're going to need it. Any denial, and you know you are just kidding yourself.

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