B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I am getting some Red Dorkings next week or I should.My Red Dorkings are comming from Superior Farms.Is yours comming from them also and if so when should you get yours.

Thanks Clayton Grace
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :


getting eggs from Jeanne in the Spring...

Looks like they're RC...

I a screwed up and quoted instead of editing... RC not SC.​
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I am interested in adding Rose comb Dorkings to my small flock, I need a winter hardy, mild mannered rooster that would be safer around my grandkids. Any thoughts! And yes I plan to get chicks and handle daily!
I have a bird who was the only survivor out of a bunch of white Dorking eggs. She is black with silver wing tips and silver on her neck, which I was told can happen from white Dorkings, every once in awhile. She is a funny thing, was the biggest "chicken" at my house for the longest time. Her name is Perch
Wow I didn't know this thread was still going!
What shall we do first as the BYC Dorking club?

Here's something I have to say:
Please show your Dorkings!!
Whatever shows you go to, please take your Dorkings along. If you don't go to shows, there is a first for everything and they are a blast!
If we all take our Dorkings then maybe they will get known more and more and become more popular and not go extinct! They used to be a very popular breed and they are part of history, being around even during Julius Ceasar's time and they deserve a place in our show yearbooks!
They are in the American Standard of Perfection, so they CAN be judged against other breeds. They seem to not get too much attention though, since you hardly ever see them!
Time to bring this underground breed out in the open!
Ok, all done.
I have a colored dorking egg due the 14! I hope it makes it.. it has a crack in the egg. but so far it is developing pretty good

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