
Dec 31, 2018
Wister, OK
I had 3 chicks hatch today. And 2 have already pipped. I am keeping the chicks inside because I have no way to keep them outside.

My Father doesn't want to have them in the house and argues that it is warm enough for baby chicks to be outside WITHOUT A HEAT LAMP!!

I have a brooder set up in my bathroom in the house. My Father won't allow me to run an extension cord to the coop to have for the chicks a heat lamp.

I have raised chicks before in the same bathroom. The same exact way. But he wants to make a fuss about it this time for some odd reason.

Is there any way the chicks can survive outside without having the brooder lamp or any electrical heat source?

I feel stupid asking it, but I cannot convince my Father to let me keep them inside.
That is ridiculous. Chicks need a heater, if only at night after the first few weeks. Why is your dad suddenly against it? My dad hates animals in the house, but even he lets me keep newly hatched chicks indoors with a heater.
I have done baby chicks indoors and they can be very messy and put off a lot of dust so its understandable for a parent to not want them inside.

If you have a broody hen you can offer them to her and see if she is interested in them. If not you can maybe compromise with dad and see about just bring them inside at night to sleep under a lamp. Just check on them while they are outside often to make sure they are okay and not chilly. By day 3 once all the eggs are hatched a mother hen would have them all out in the yard anyway.

If you live someplace you feel its still too cold (We are in the 100's here so its plenty hot for mine) you could get a little dog kennel or set up a box in your garage they can stay in with a lamp till they get a few weeks old and have some feathers. New chicks don't need a lot of space so the box doesn't need to be huge. Without a hen they will mostly just sleep. (If you do a box in the garage or kennel make sure your lamp has a 60wt bulb in it and not a 250wt so you don't cook your babies or catch your box on fire. also make sure the box is big enough they can get out from under the lamp if they get too warm.)

You could also see if a neighbor or a friend would let you keep them at their house for a few weeks.

If none of these sound good last thought would be to maybe ask Dad if you could maybe do housework or something in exchange for them staying inside during their more fragile stage. Starting with some breakfast in bed is never a bad way to start ^_~

Good Luck, I hope you get it figured out!

:jumpy CONGRATZ ON YOUR NEW BABIES! :jumpy Would love to see some picks of them!
Where are you located? What's the temp in the house? Are the chicks under a broody or incubator? If with a broody, why are you wanting to remove them?

These chicks weren't under a broody hen.

They were hatched in an incubator and I have them in my bathroom in a dog crate with shavings, water and a heat lamp while I wait for the 2 other chicks to dry out.

I am located in Oklahoma and my Father keeps the house at a constant 60 degrees F.
That is ridiculous. Chicks need a heater, if only at night after the first few weeks. Why is your dad suddenly against it? My dad hates animals in the house, but even he lets me keep newly hatched chicks indoors with a heater.

Thankfully me and my Mother were able to talk him out of it. He is going to let the chicks in the house if the noise can be kept to a minimum and they don't make a mess in the bathroom.
I have done baby chicks indoors and they can be very messy and put off a lot of dust so its understandable for a parent to not want them inside.

If you have a broody hen you can offer them to her and see if she is interested in them. If not you can maybe compromise with dad and see about just bring them inside at night to sleep under a lamp. Just check on them while they are outside often to make sure they are okay and not chilly. By day 3 once all the eggs are hatched a mother hen would have them all out in the yard anyway.

If you live someplace you feel its still too cold (We are in the 100's here so its plenty hot for mine) you could get a little dog kennel or set up a box in your garage they can stay in with a lamp till they get a few weeks old and have some feathers. New chicks don't need a lot of space so the box doesn't need to be huge. Without a hen they will mostly just sleep. (If you do a box in the garage or kennel make sure your lamp has a 60wt bulb in it and not a 250wt so you don't cook your babies or catch your box on fire. also make sure the box is big enough they can get out from under the lamp if they get too warm.)

You could also see if a neighbor or a friend would let you keep them at their house for a few weeks.

If none of these sound good last thought would be to maybe ask Dad if you could maybe do housework or something in exchange for them staying inside during their more fragile stage. Starting with some breakfast in bed is never a bad way to start ^_~

Good Luck, I hope you get it figured out!

:jumpy CONGRATZ ON YOUR NEW BABIES! :jumpy Would love to see some picks of them!

I don't have a broody. I had one that broke broodiness because of a flood and me having to move her out of the flooded coop.

So her eggs are now in the incubator.

But I have managed to work out a deal with him and we don't have a garage or neighbors who know what to do with chickens.

Here is the two remaining chicks that hatched out early this morning.

And here are the three that hatched out yesterday.

Haha that looks like the same kennel type I use for my baby chicks on years I don't have a broody :p Super cute babies! I'm glad you guys was able to work it out. :celebrate What breeds are they?
I honestly have no clue what breeds they are. I have 2 New Hamshire and one Barred Rock Roosters. Then for hens I have an Easter Egger, 2 Barred rocks, 1 New Hampshire, 1 Red sex link (maybe), a Buff Orpington, and 2 Black sex links.

And I know none of them came from the EE hen because she lays blue eggs!

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