Baby chick not growing

I have a tiny Serama chick who is like this. I picked her up from the breeder 3 weeks ago and while the older pullets I got at the same time have graduated to spending days outside, she stays inside with her sister chick who is growing and one of the older pullets from the aforementioned group who also does not appear to be growing. She's like a newborn baby in that she complains loudly whenever she is hungry or the waterer is dry, but she doesn't seem to be growing. She is feathered and looking quite pretty with a wheaten color, but she is as tiny as she was when I got her. I have a feeling that she has some tiny Serama (type A) genes that is keeping her from growing larger. I have read that these tiny birds don't reproduce and are delicate when it comes to changes in temperature. She is in heaven when I bring the older pullets in at the end of the day and she spends the night under the wing of her favorite bird. Her sister stays under the other wing and I have a feeling that this "favorite" pullet will be a very good mother, one I can depend on to hatch my precious Serama eggs.
She doesn’t stay in the coop during the day with the others? Does she wear a diaper inside? Is it bc the other chickens will peck at her or hurt her?
I have a blue cochin with this exact problem and searching for info on it led me here. She is 5 weeks old and the size of a one week old chick. The others have moved outside to the big coop but sweet little Stormy is still in here with mom. Did your baby make it?
Hi @islandgirlsml :frow Welcome To BYC

The person you have quoted hasn't been on in almost 2 years, so likely they will not see your question.
If you have some photos of your chick and tell us a little more about her (is she active, eating/drinking?), what you feed, etc., we may be able to offer some suggestions.

Sometimes a chick seems way behind and then suddenly will grow fairly quickly. Sometimes they may be failure to thrive.
You can try direct dosing with poultry vitamins once a week to see if this helps give her a boost.

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