Baby chick only calms down in my hand. Did I do something wrong?


Jun 26, 2021
My parents started to raise baby chickens, and I saw one of the baby chicks not really looking the best and its siblings always pushed it around. Its feathers arent fully "developed" yet and it looked really weak among the others so I suggested to keep it here in the house until not fully recovered (we keep the baby chicks in the house for a week and a half and then my parents move them to their farm). So my parents gave me the chick with another sick looking one to take care of them until they are not sick anymore(they were getting tired of their noises and smell, so now their place is in my room). The little guy always needed encouragement to go eat and drink so I pet it or slighly pushed it to their food/water but whenever I left their little place it always started crying! If I pick them up they fall asleep immediately in my hands or if theyre not tired they just picking at my fingers or try to climb up on my arm. I'm scared that I shouldn't have touch them this much and I might cause them more harm with this. Any ideas?
Picture: The right one is the one what Im talking about. Thank god they started to cuddle eachother so I dont have to place them on my bed to cuddle with them. The left one is the other sick one and it starts to be jealous of the right one it want to be petted as well😅
I'm not an expert but I would say there's nothing wrong with picking up and holding the chicks if they like that and you have the time. They may have imprinted on you slightly or just like you because you're taking care of them. And they may be lonely without the rest of their flock. I had one chick hatch a couple days before the rest and it cried constantly if no one was holding it or talking to it. It took a few days after all the other chicks hatched and it got used to having a flock for it to finally settle down and stop crying for people.
Good luck, hopefully they get healthy quick and can go back with the other chicks!
It does sound like the chicks imprinted on you. Which is sweet. I’m sure they like being picked up too, due to the warmth of the hand. I have one chick out of 10 that is imprinted and constantly wants to snuggle in the palm of the hand.
So glad to hear that I didn't ruin them! My parents were scared that I might spoil them or something but now I'm calm. I try my best to leave them alone as well but when I can I place them in my lap while working or just while Im watching tv they are running all over me 😅 Now its night time and they are sad that I dont pick them up, hope they will manage without me as well!
Thank you for the help I really appreciate it!!
All my chickens are held almost CONSTANTLY when I’m raising them. They definitely recognize me as their mama. I LOVE the raising of chicks more than any other aspect of keeping chickens. If you are okay with your Littles being friendly lap chickens, then you are good to go :love .

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