Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

My babies are just a day old. They do not like posing for pictures yet lol

This is our RIR, she gave us a big scare today when they arrived, I thought she was dying =( but now she's the boss lady lol

They just wanted to stand in the GroGel and sleep

Our lil Peep (the yellow Meyermeal maker) is the leader and trouble maker she/he's also my favorite at the moment. Shh that's a secret lol

Peep pulled the paper towels back to forage In the shavings. I just took up the paper towels... they all are so happy and excited right now.

Peep seems to be growing/maturing faster than the others. She/ He's wings are developing faster and she/he seems to do things before the others like trying to forage.
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