Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

My "babies" are 16 weeks. 8 bantams from MPC and in pretty sure they are all girls.
Hedwig white Silkie
Buffy buff brahma
Fawna mottled cochin
Dorothy barred Plymouth Rock
Ginger Easter egger
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One Week old !! Not sure on the breed . We know the rooster is a Rhode Island Red. But we have about 25 hens that are all different haha
If eggs in the incubator haven't hatched on the 5th day does that mean the chick died? I candled them and I see no movement :(
If eggs in the incubator haven't hatched on the 5th day does that mean the chick died? I candled them and I see no movement :(

We have had a silkie hatch 2 days late. It was trying to get out and so we popped the top where the air bubble was to help it. It made it out fine. Try making a small hole in the top, and see with a flashlight if there is any movement.

Im not so sure the mottled cochin isnt a rooster. My bantie sl hen has no comb at all.
Also, ginger may be a buff ameraucana instead of a mutt easter egger.

What is the difference between ameraucana and easter egger?! They are almlst completely alike. Do some eggers lay eggs other than blue or green? We have an easter egger that lays solid blue eggs, we bkught her from a breeder as an ameraucana!

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