Baby Chick pulling feathers,not growing and now acts sick! What to do with Agnes....;(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
North East Texas
My 4 month old Agnes has not been growing as her other companions her age. She has no neck feathers or tail feathers. Over the course of the past week she just hasn't been her perky self, getting worse by the day. She hasn't been sneezing or coughing - just acts exhausted. But it has been extreeeemly hot here in Texas nearing 100+, so that's what we were thinking the cause could be. The girls have a coop with an enclosed run around it that they are out in during the day. I have a fan in the roof of the coop and one in the outside run. They are eating medicated chick starter and I have been adding to their water Electrolites and Duramycin.
Had 2 other girls pass away a few weeks ago. They just became weak and lethargic one day and by the next were gone.
Not sure if its related but I have a mixture of chick breeds the two were the same breed as what Agnes is. As soon as they passed we emptied out the coop, nesting boxes and disinfected and bleached everything just to be sure, if what ever they had wasn't contageous. But now I have another that has watery eyes and I did notice Agnes did yesterday.... HELP! My husband is threatening to start "putting them down" ! He seems to think it was due to a trauma that took place a few months ago when we didn't have the run enclosed and a cat had jumped in there. I came home to Agnes having her head stuck between the two layers of fencing we have on the bottom of their run.....we lost one of her mates and the run got enclosed!

The Vet's in our area do not see chickens - we are in a rual area of a Poultry Company and sick birds are not something anyone wants known. We only have Tractor Supply to get our meds and supplies from.

Please help Agnes!

The lethargic acting sounds like possible coccidia, which I treat with Corid from Tractor Supply. The watery eyes sounds like a respitory issue or could cause the lethargic acting also... For that you give Tylan 50, it's a cattle medication. If you can't find that try Sulmet it treats both but can be harsh and takes longer.
Just saw pic... That's a respitory infection... Get Tylan 50 ASAP. Could be Coryza. Chickens often get a thick white puss caught up under their second eyelid. That has to be removed for it to heal. Give Tylan at 1/4 cc in the mouth for five days. Also put a drop in the eye... It will burn like heck but it helps.
Thanks so very much!! I have my husband at Tractor Supply now trying to find all we need!


Saying a prayer and I'll keep you posted!
Is Tylan 50 something you can keep on hand. Living far from town and the supplier being closed for 24 hours can make the difference between life and death if we have some of these things on hand.....if they're storable. Ideas for Chicken First Aid/Medication Kit anyone?
Ok we mixed up the Corid and fed it directly to Agnes and my other chicken. We mixed it into a quart jar to administer to them directly and will mix in the community waterers as well.
The Tylan 50 - we were a little taken back that all we found was in a inject-able form. But we extracted .05 mil and gave to each with 2.5 mil of mixed Corid. Cleaned out eyes - not an easy task! Agnes we were able to extract some sort of white funky stuff out of one eye - we then put some drops of the Tylan in each eye!

Am I on the right path?? My husband now wants me to ask you all if we are missing anything or doing everything right!! lol

Thanks for your help!!

sickbyc.gif are doing good. Corid in the water and give her the Tyan directly in the mouth and a little in infected eye. Keep her warm with food and water close by. Look up coryza and mg... So you know what you may be dealing with as many chicken illnesses can spread to other chickens. Wash hands and arms after dealing with her and id separate her from the others.
Thanks - my little chicken Agnes is still hanging in there. Yesterday I thought I saw glimpses of improvement but today she is unsteady and not eating.
Found one of the Barred Rocks acting like she was coming down with a runny nose so I gave her some too.
So stressful! and saddening!!
Oh my things just change from hour to hour. By last night as my husband brought in some veggies from the garden - Agnes picked up her second wind and started running around trying to get her some! But then later we let the girls run around in the yard she just stood there not moving....Baby steps I guess!
My suggestion would be separate her if possible. If possible put her somewhere cooler like a basement or somewhere in your house so she will not be as stressed by the heat. Have her drink lots of water, this is very important. Maybe make a mash of her feed by mixing it with water or giving her watermelon, etc.
Hope she gets better!

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