Baby chicks have arrived


Dec 3, 2022
Central Alabama
Well, the big day came yesterday when we got a call from the post office that our baby chicks had arrived. We ordered 15 female chicks from Cackle Hatcheries, 3 each of barred rocks, buff orpington, black laced golden wyandotte, cinnamon queen, and golden comets . To our surprise, we had 18 delivered. Many thanks to Cackle Hatchery and the USPO for their speedy delivery. The were hatched Wednesday morning, the 22nd, and the PO email said they would be delivered by Saturday the 25. Cackle had a note on their shipment email that said the deliveries were usually quicker than the PO email noted, and thankfully we got a call yesterday at 1:00 PM that they had arrived. That's less than 24 hours after hatching! Great work Cackle and PO. All were very healthy, and were eating and drinking immediately. We first gave them a sip of water, followed by a sip of nutri-drench, then another sip of water in their brooder. They gorged on their chick starter we are feeding them for about 5 hours, which came from New Country Organics. They have a plain water drinker, and one filled with Save-A-Chick electrolyte. They seem to favor the plain water. So, initially they stuffed their beaks for about 5 hours, and then they all passed out under the heat lamp for that first nap. We are very pleased with all that's happened so far.
Awwww how sweet!!! They are so funny and sweet mine are now almost a year old but we are getting more chicks In hopefully a few days! Keep watch for pasty butt! And most of all…… enjoy bonding with them its one of the best feelings when a chick jumps in your hand to come out and jumps in your arms by choice!
I did clean one of the Wyandottes butts, but it wasn't bad, and hadn't gotten hard yet. I would like to look at some pictures of "normal" baby chick poop. There's one that seems to be pooping kinda dark reddish poop, with some clear runny liquid. If I need to treat them for that I got the meds. Any ideas on pictures of poop?:)

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