baby geese and ducks


12 Years
May 10, 2007
Dallas, Georgia
When can I put them outside? It is pretty warm in here in georgia during the day now. It is usually in the 80s or 90s during the day and in the high 60s or low 70s at night. My chinese goslings will be a week old tomorrow and they are already stinking up my house. lol My ducklings are arriving friday and will be exactly one week younger than the goslings.
My ducklings are 4.5 weeks old and have been outside for almost 3 weeks. My new goslings are between 2 and 6 weeks old and they are all outside with the ducklings. Waterfowl do not need the heat that chicks do and they can pretty well fend for themselves even at a week old. My babies do great outside and my house smells alot better! (I had the ducklings brooding in my upstairs BATHTUB! lol) They are locked in their pen at night (for safety) and let out first thing in the a.m. They have figured out about when the door will open at dusk and they go right in their pen. When I open the door in the morn, they all rush out! Oh, and they have WONDERFUL memories! I made the mistake of feeding a snack to them over the side of my porch a few days ago, and now whenever they see me looking over the porch they run over to see what snack I might have!
Oh, I agree with 4H mom!! I had my four mallard ducklings in the guest room in a rubbermaid tub for a week and thought I was going to die from the smell!! Even with changing their shavings more than once a day, it was awful. I told my DH..what was I thinking?...
I put them in the coop in a separate area from the 8 week old chicks and kept them in there for a week. Then they all came out together. I let them out in the morning and put them up at night for their safety. They have a kiddie this is where I changed my mind about ducks! They make me laugh every day. They are like the Keystone cops...everything is an emergency and can't walk anywhere. Now everyone is happy.

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