Back At The Chicken Shack

Some of our losses included the Egyptians and Saipans, So I am deciding if I should try again with one of those breeds or both, or add back some Old English Game or Red Jungle Fowl or add Modern Game. However I did manage to procure a couple electronic animal repellents solar powered to experiment with… the list of creatures they affect includes predators and more. So I will be doing tests. If it works to keep the dogs and chickens out of areas I might get more to create an electronic barrier to discourage Racoons. 30 foot range, so I will see how they work.

If they work, I at the very minimum can use them to keep critters including chickens out of certain areas. Also I wonder if they might help keep campsites Squirrel free. The manual says they keep bears away too.

Now the breeds still doing fine, EEs, Naked Necks, Phoenix, the black hens, Jersey Giants, Barred Rocks, D’Uccle hen, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Legbar Cross Olive Egger, Buckeye, Australorp, a few new hens were added to the flock (they needed a home) one might be Polish, a Wyandotte I think, and several breeds we a have.

Unfortunately all our young roosters didn’t make it. Peepers was the only one we had left but he had a heart issue and died. Sigh. But the hens are doing great and enjoying feasts of pumpkins this week.
Phonetic Pronunciation of the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic

Aboon Dbashmayo (Our Father who art in Heaven)
Nethcadash shmokh (hallowed be thy name).
teethe malkoothokh, (thy Kingdom come),
nehwe sebyonokh, (thy will be done);
aykano Dbashmayo off bar’o. (on earth as it is in heaven.)

Hab lan lahmo dsoonconan yawmono, (Give us this day our daily bread).
washbook lan howbain wahtohain (and forgive us our trespasses)
aykano doff hnan shbakn il hayobain (as we forgive those who trespass against us)
lo thaalan il nessyoono (and lead us not into temptation)
elo fasson men beesho (but deliver us from evil)
metool ddeelokhee malkootho, (for thine is the kingdom)
ou haylo ou Teshbohto, (and the power, and the glory)
loalam olmen Amin. (for ever and ever. Amen.)
I realised I haven’t posted in awhile.

Experimental Blueberry Oatmeal Cookie Recipe:

In one bowl put 6 bags of instant Blueberry Oatmeal, 1 cup flour, about 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda, mix that into second bowl of melted 1/2 cup butter and brown sugar (I think I used about 1 cup), 1 egg and a Tablespoon of milk. I then mixed into to the combined ingredients Blueberry Yogurt till dough was consistency I wanted.

Baked at 350 F for 10 minutes on greased cookie sheet.

I modified this recipe off of one I found on the net, using stuff I had… for future a little Baking Powder might be good, fresh blueberries, cut out the milk, just use more yogurt. The use of Yogurt was a big difference between mine and the net. I might add more sweetness using drizzle of frosting or something like that. Anyway I like them, but definitely a work in progress.

Teenager gave me a thumbs up 👍 despite her fear of trying purple oatmeal cookies.


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Today’s local Safari find. He is way more metallic to the naked eye. My cell phone camera just didn’t capture the sheen and richness of color as good as seeing him live.
I have to admit I haven’t met a chicken breed I didn’t find fascinating in some way. However as I think about our mixed flock of breeds and favourites it is such a huge range. I know the family loved the Sultans. Since I have some coop repair and building to do tomorrow I am thinking I should maybe replace the Sultans. The Easter Eggers continue to be big hits. The Rhode Island Reds & Whites have done very well. The D’Uccles are also super popular. The all Black birds are cool and the Phoenix too. And the Naked Necks just goofy fun. The Jersey Giants are doing well too. The Barred Rocks are doing well.

Chickens are just cool.

I miss this hen… she thought she was a hawk.

Well we have successfully torn down the big coop (all my coops are damaged) and built a medium pen. Today the goal is tear down medium coop, build large pen, build new medium coop.
Okay tried this but made changes… so first original recipe I found on Facebook

These cookies bake at 325 Deg F or 160 Deg C. for 15-20 mins until light brown. These are great with a hot cup of chocolate or cold milk. You can also add raisins or nuts to this if you like.

2 oz soft butter
1 large egg or 2 tbsp yogurt
3/4 cup icing sugar
3/4 cup semolina / farina / sooji / cream of wheat
1 cup self rising flour
1 tsp almond essence / extract
1/4 tsp lemon extract - you can add up to 1/2 tsp for a stronger taste
raisins and nuts - optional
2 tbsp. icing sugar extra

My Changes:

I doubled the recipe decided it needed more, so added eggs till 4 and decided to add plain yogurt till dough a better consistency. I used only lemon extract, some cinnamon powder, I placed an almond in the center of each cookie. I used green food colouring because I am made these for works’s Pot Luck for St. Patrick’s Day ☘️

Photo with and without Powdered Sugar on top

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