BACKYARD CHICKENS 101- classes and consultation in southern Maine


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Southern Maine

Thinking about raising chickens for eggs or as pets this spring???

Not sure how to get started? Need help figuring out where your coop should go and how big it needs to be? Need help choosing chicken breeds or getting set up to raise baby chicks? Maybe you already have chickens and it's not going as smoothly as you expected?

I offer both individual consultations (including an inclusive starter package "Backyard Chickens 101" as well as more in-depth and specific consults) as well as small-group classes (if you have a group of friends who are interested in sharing the cost.) I have taught classes on urban and suburban chicken-raising at community education programs, and at the Common Ground Fair for the last several years. I also offer garden consulting, especially organic vegetable gardening.

Email for more information and pricing... or check our web site at
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