Bad gasping episodes. Non-prescription fungal meds?


13 Years
May 8, 2011
Sorry, this a bit long because it's an odd case and I'm really stuck. I have a 10 year old muscovy, he's imprinted on me and a houseduck. He's got an abnormal throat. The vet says there's too much tissue in his throat. This was spotted 2 years ago when he had a bacterial and fungal throat infection. It's possible he was born with this abnormal throat (he was born with one eye too).

Anyway, last spring he also got what was apparently either a throat or respiratory infection (he had friends sick with a respiratory infection at the time). That time, the vet just wanted to try a 2 week course of antibiotics and anti inflammatory pills - they didn't test to see if it was possibly fungal too. They thought he'd need anti inflammatories for the rest of his life because of his throat, but he was fine after antibiotics. Last year, he still had a gasping episode 7 days into his course, but was fine after 14 days of antibiotics.

Now recently, he's having these gasping/choking episodes again (and again, his friends currently have a respiratory illness). But this time it's not just after he's eaten/drank, it happens randomly sometimes too. Like his friend flew down from her perch and it startled him i guess and triggered an episode.

It's really distressing, it looks like he's dying when it happens and he tends to have at least 1 episode a day. I have to make sure he doesn't hit anything as in the beginning of an episode he starts flapping around uncontrollably and shaking his head violently. I'm giving him leftover SMZ antibiotics that I had from another duck's vet visit. He's on day 10 of the course, but I think I'll run out before day 14.

2 years ago, he had a big chunk of what could only be a yeast plaque fly out of his throat during a gasping epsiode. It must've blocked his airway. So I'm thinking he possibly has yeast in his throat again, and that's why the antibiotics don't appear to be working. But it's just a guess.

The problem is, I'm pretty sure if I try to take him to the vet it'll trigger an episode and this time he'll die. But I'm afraid he's going to die either way. His episodes are worse today than before. He's also lost a lot of weight recently.

Does anyone have any idea of treatment options? Can I get fungal meds without a prescription? Would anti inflammatories help maybe? (last year, my vet said they'd give me refills when needed, so maybe they still will without bringing him back in). He's my baby and I feel like there's nothing I can do. I had really hoped the antibiotics would work 😢
I am very sorry your Muscovy is ill.
You can buy meds here but unless you know what your dealing with I am not sure you would know what to buy unless you just want more of the same antibiotic to finish off what you started.
Also consider what @Jenbirdee has shared.
I'm not a vet but from what you're describing it sounds more fungal.

@casportpony will know more than me.
Go to page 9 scroll down to the post where I share all the links from Majestic waterfowl rescue
The mixture for the Oxine AH is 3/4 cup (6 oz) per gallon of water
I figured that down smaller to be 2 Tbsp in 21.3 OZ water
Did you get your Oxine AH online? I'm looking for a reliable source. Would like to try it in my livestock water tanks to keep scum and algae growth down. Asked my vet but she has never heard of it.
Did you get your Oxine AH online? I'm looking for a reliable source. Would like to try it in my livestock water tanks to keep scum and algae growth down. Asked my vet but she has never heard of it.
yes on amazon. is it safe to add to drinking water i dont know?
Thanks, I'm checking out the links! Can you do the Oxine AH treatments without a very good setup for it? I know you want to make a "tent" ideally to ensure it's inhaled well. It's a real problem that treatment options are limited with him because of how severe his episodes are and that anything seems to trigger them.

And even in the best of times he's scared of things that are good for him e.g. even the vets told me he started dying when they tried to put him in a pool to swim, back when he had to stay at the vets a couple years ago. They were surprised he didn't do that at home. But then later he did start acting like he was dying at home when i'd try to put him in his kiddie pool (after he had recovered). He's extremely sensitive I guess. But usually very relaxed and sweet as long as you're not trying to do anything "weird" with him like give him a bath, medicate him, clip his nails, etc.

He's having an awful morning, I've never seen him this bad before. He's spent the last few hours having epsiodes, and mouth breathing when he's not having actual episodes. Usually he might have a couple short episodes a day (maybe lasting a few minutes or so), and mouth breathe a little bit afterwards, but be fine again in minutes. Today that's not the case.

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