Bad News. Just had a Biddy born with 2 beaks


Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 14, 2017
Southeast Alabama
It has 2 lower jaws. the top and middle close and work like it should but it has a 3rd beak or 2nd lower jaw that hangs down below is regular one. sorta looks like a Horn coming out from its throat under its beak. He's not quite a week old, and I'm surprised I didn't catch it earlier but we just had about 60 Biddys to hatch. The old lady says to just cull it now so it doesn't suffer (and so she ain't gotta see it), but it had a full gizzard sticking out and runs around like Speedy Gonzales. Does anyone think I should use some nail clippers and cut it off, or would it just keep growing back. I don't want to see it suffer for years, but if God made him that way, who am I to put him down if he can possibly make it. Maybe I can hide it from my wife till its old enough that she would think he can make it. Any suggestions are dearly welcome! I'll try to post some pics of it later. :hit
2 beak 1.jpg
2 beak 2.jpg
2 beak 2.jpg
2 beak 1.jpg
2 beak 2.jpg

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