Bald butt (Picture Included)

May 13, 2018
One of my hens has a bald butt and a scab under her vent. I recently checked everyone and used poultry dust because I thought my rooster may have had lice. He still has bald patches, and I cannot find evidence of lice or mites other than his bald spots (side of neck, around tail feathers). He has been like this for months. All my girls look fine (other than evidence of the rooster liking his favorites). I have been spraying her with Vetericyn to try and heal her up. It looks a little better but not much. Any thoughts on what this may be and what I should be doing for her? Her vent looks fine, she is eating and drinking fine. She is not lethargic and seems to be laying eggs. I am not entirely sure on that as I have 2 Welsummers.
Looks like feather picking. The main reasons are a protein deficiency, boredom, or too small of a set up.
They are getting an 18% layer feed, they have a run that is 8 x 10 and a coop that is 10 x 12. I only have 13 chickens in that space. They also get to free range off and on.
I would spray the area with bluekote. Exposed skin can draw in pecking. Put the bird down when the bluekote is still wet so any curious pecking gets an awful taste. You can also try a no pick spray.

I would also spend some time quietly observing the flock to see if you see any pecking.

If roosts are too close or birds roost above each other they may peck and pluck, so make sure your roost placement isn't the problem.
They have one roost that spans the entire 12 foot width of the coop. I sprayed her with a no peck spray today as it seems to be healing. I will keep an eye on the flock and see if I can identify any pecking or bullying.

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