Bantam Cochin with crop issue

Miss Lydia

~Gift of God ~ Eternal Life ~John 3:16-17
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Oct 3, 2009
Mountains of Western N.C.
I have been treating my little Cochin hen for a crop problem first her crop was a little smaller than a ping ball it was soft not hard and she had no smell coming for her beak. I started out using the cream Clotrimazone syringe 3X a day [Instructions from {Two Crows} finally her crop emptied but I am now treating her with acidified Copper. Since we were thinking it was yeast and the Copper would finish it off. Now her crop is empty for 2 days but she is barely eating. She is inside since it is very cold out and I brought her sister in yesterday to keep her company, this is when I realized how light she is compared to her sister. It is probably because she hasn't been eating much I have been syringing baby bird food today just to put something in her but she eats mealworms. Two Crows thinks there may be something else going on with her since she just isn't bouching back . I have antibiotics if this is my next course of action.
If the little girl is older than just a couple of years, she may have a chronic reproductive infection that can slow down and sometimes block the digestive tract. If this turns out to be the case, there isn't much to be done by the time things get to this point.

If she's young and this is a solitary event, she may need a flush to complete her crop treatment. It's worth a try even if she's older. The Epsom salt flush is intense but gentle, and if she seems energized after the first treatment, you have good reason to hope for a full recovery.

You will need to tube one-half cup of warm water with one teaspoon of Epsom salts, (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in it directly into her crop each day for three successive days. After the flush each morning, offer regular food and water for the rest of the day.
Thank you so no more Copper? @azygous
4oz seems like an awful lot for a tiny bantam but I'll do it . She is 4 yrs old brooded about half the summer away into late summer on no eggs didn't lay the whole time or after.

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