Bantam Cochins for sale ~ NC

hazelton farms

12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
I've really just had it trying to get them to stop being broody. Come get 'em. These were our only show projects and although they are not looking in top feather right now... they clean up nice!

$14 each. Splash, blue and blacks available. Only three roos ($10 each - one black, two splash) available to purchase and about 10-12 or so hens.

One black roo free. He was sooo lovely and really just got the poop beat out of him by his own son, so now is not a looker but throws some fine looking babies. Free.

Not shipping these. Pick~ up only. Will meet you part way for gas money within reason.

Take the whole crowd and I'll try and make you a good deal on them, but I will say, $15 a bird is already pretty cheap compared to what I paid.

Out of the last eggs I put in, I hatched out about 8 chicks (really BAD fertility because of these guys' feathers!). The chicks are for sale as well. Blacks, blues and splashes, possible mottleds as the black hens throw mottled sometimes. $3 each per chick.

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I sure wish I were closer. I have all roos except one pullet. So I need a couple more girls. No one close to me ever has them.

I'm sorry Marie...

I just really don't want to ship these and really don't want to mess with trying to get them to lay and do what I'd want any more either to be honest. I've really had it with them! Every time I take an order, they just up and QUIT on me BEFORE I get the order out!

As much as we love them and have held out hope for a longgg time now after all that we went through to get our stock... I just can't keep waiting any more. I could be using the space for something else and the feed money for something that will produce... Someone that wants some lawn ornaments will just love these!!

is it because they go broody alot like my silkies?

I would never want you to ship them. I just said I wished I were closer. I love my cochins so far but I imagine that going broody is going to be annoying. I have 3 broody silkies right now and they go broody every few weeks. It is getting annoying. I am trying to get some other breeds that wont go broody as much.

Stacy, have you sold all your birds and if not what part of NC are you in?

I,m in nc were are you maybe we can meet are .Maybe if not to far i go all the way were you are to save you gas.I know my kids would love them me too.I,m suppose too be getting more wire tommorow so plenty of room.
but ket tat2edlady and kelsten go first. Then maybe i can have the left overs
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I'm in Gates, NC 27937 if you want to mapquest where I'm at from where ever you are for all that have asked.
NONE have been spoken for yet. I go by first come, first serve. I won't hold any of them and if I have someone that wants them ALL together as a whole, that person will get preference over separating them out.

All total, there are 9 black and blue hens, one black roo, then two splash hens, two splash roos. One FREE black roo as well.

Hens range from 10 months to 2 years old. At least half of them are 10 months old. One splash roo is 2, the other two roosters (not free ones!) are 10 months. Free one is 2 years old.

There are approx. 10 chicks at this point. Some of the eggs are still hatching, but they are just about done.

Oh... might consider a trade for a group of australorps (no old anything though), silver laced wyandottes or Rhode Island Reds. It's gotta be ONE or the OTHER though, not some of this and some of that! We're going to replace the cochins with one of those three breeds.

Stacy,I will have to pass you are 249 miles from me here in Lexington,nc but if you are going to the swap that is going on in June on the 28 in danville Va we might be able to chat if you would hold birds.


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