Bantam Delaware? Is there such a thing?

I think the whole "Araucanas". EE issue is driving a lot of folks nuts! I've seen LOTS of comments on BYC about it.
I don't curretly have any pastel egg layers, but wouldn't mind having some just for the novelty of it all. Miss Prissy and others have made some beautiful Christmas ornaments with them and my grandchildren would get a kick out of it. I wouldn't care if they were mutts, but I know there are those who do care and are trying to get good quality birds. It's terrible that the hatcherys so often mislead people into thinking they are getting something that they are not.
It's a shame they advertise falsely, but if they would label them correctly, they'd still sell birds just fine! EEs are great birds as well as Ameraucanas.

I'm very happy to see bantam Delawares showing up finally. They are still very rare, no matter the quality. I think if you want rare and you want bantam, those are a great one to work with, especially if they are anything like the standard counterparts. I adore my Delawares.
It seems that everyone is saying what good birds they are. One BYCr offered to drive to Nashville from Memphis to get him, so I guess they are rare! Of course I guess others have driven further for theirs! Looks like I'm going to have to start reading up on genetics if I plan to start breeding them or any others.
my little bantam Del cockerel. He doesn't have a name yet

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