Barnevelder roo x's

Bound to Sea

6 Years
Feb 3, 2018
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hello everyone! Chickie season is upon us and was wondering about hatching my own eggs from my flock. Never done it before. So lots questions: if I hatch eggs fertilized from my Barnevelder roo with my Salmon Fav, Blue Cuckoo Marans, Blue Amerucauna, Welsummer, BRL Wyandotte, Splash Australorps, Barred Rock are they going to be chicks that lay brown eggs except Amerucauna will be olive? What if I breed him with an EE or OE, what color will those eggs be? The male in the original EE and OE was a Barnevelder too. Which would be the coolest looking chickens? Thanks so much for helping me decide what to do. Pic if some of the flock and present eggs.


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Breeding him w the first group you mentioned will give brown, and the Ameraucana olive, as you thought.

EE & OE you will get either Olive (the Olive Egger would be a darker olive) or a brown. Unless you know their specific genetics.

Hope that helps!
Hello everyone! Chickie season is upon us and was wondering about hatching my own eggs from my flock. Never done it before. So lots questions: if I hatch eggs fertilized from my Barnevelder roo with my Salmon Fav, Blue Cuckoo Marans, Blue Amerucauna, Welsummer, BRL Wyandotte, Splash Australorps, Barred Rock are they going to be chicks that lay brown eggs except Amerucauna will be olive? What if I breed him with an EE or OE, what color will those eggs be? The male in the original EE and OE was a Barnevelder too. Which would be the coolest looking chickens? Thanks so much for helping me decide what to do. Pic if some of the flock and present eggs.
Well, due to incubator error and possible overheating, I don't think hatch one will be successful. I see embryos but don't know if they are alive. No blood ring, but really tough to see movement if any. Second incubator is on day 5, candled last night with great fertility and veining. Maybe 1 or 2 in question with the dark eggs. Hard to see. Looking good! 🐣🐥👍😂

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