Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

Blue, cockerel, pink pullet.
Holding them by the feet is an old wives' tale. So is holding a weight (washer) on a string over them - supposed to swing back and forth for one gender, goes in circles for the other. Basically witchcraft, IMO. Or whoever is holding the string unconsciously or subconsciously influences it. 🤷‍♀️
Blue, cockerel, pink pullet.
Holding them by the feet is an old wives' tale. So is holding a weight (washer) on a string over them - supposed to swing back and forth for one gender, goes in circles for the other. Basically witchcraft, IMO. Or whoever is holding the string unconsciously or subconsciously influences it. 🤷‍♀️
Yeah I agree with you! the string thing seems unbelievable but holding a chick by it’s feet & linking the argument to testosterone levels seems more valid.. although I didn’t take it to be true but thought it was interesting to mention 😀 I have a barnevelder chick which I know is a pullet & she fought like crazy being held by the feet!
Some updated pics-
The blue is now 20gms heavier than the pink (pink started off heavier).
The blue is still chest bumping & appears taller now.
They both look like they have wattles already 😩



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This aligns with my initial suspicions.. you never know though 😁 hopefully I have at least 1 pullet 🤞🏽

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