Barring Genes through Different Breeds

None of those will make sexlinks with your Cream Legbar rooster.

But if you don't want to buy more chicks, you can use some of your current hens to produce daughters that will have auto-sexing chicks the next year.

Hatch eggs from your current black hens. All the chicks will have white barring. As they grow, pick daughters that are black with white barring (some chicks may be other colors than black, but the blacks should work best for this.)

Then next year, breed your Cream Legbar rooster to those daughters of his. About half of the chicks will be black-based (sexing works the same as Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans), and the other half will be colored like Cream Legbars or Bielefelders (including the autosexing traits).

That won't do very much for making larger chickens, but could set you up with an autosexing flock that you didn't have to buy.
Decisions, decisions.... might have to split it down the middle and see how that works out

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