Baytril or Cipro?

Here in the US, when sulfa drugs are prescribed for bacterial infections, they are prescribed for at least 7 consecutive days.
This is a dangerous statement, because it depends on the dose, a sustained release capsule may be designed to be given over a long term, but this contradicts the instructions at the link above that say to stop after 3 days if improvement is seen.

Also, just as an fyi for your yeast/thrush idea, it is a side effect possibility. Along with diarreah, and anemia. My experience is to continue with normal food after administration, but i think the side effects have been made worse by the high dose. I think OP needs to consider electrolytes to counter the diarreah.

From drug pamphlet:

What are the side effects of sulfonamides?​

Common side effects reported with sulfonamides include:

  • Gastrointestinal effects (such as diarrhea, nausea, stomach upset, vomiting)
  • Candidiasis (overgrowth of the yeast Candida causing conditions such as thrush) (sulfonamide antibiotics)
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Folate deficiency
  • Headaches
  • Itchy skin
  • Rash.
Sulfonamides may also cause changes in the blood such as anemia (destruction of red blood cells), leukopenia (destruction of white blood cells), and other hematological side effects.

Renal side effects have been reported with sulfonamide use; more commonly crystals in the urine (risk is higher in people who are dehydrated) and, rarely, interstitial nephritis and tubular necrosis.

Lots of water and maybe even elecrrolyte is good advice.
I am no help but wanted to follow this and comment on your care. You're doing an amazing job in caring for your beautiful hen and she sure is a beauty. It's obvious how much you care for her. I'll be over here cheering both of you on. We're all hoping for a full recovery for her. Does she have a name?
Her name is Ildi (Ill-dee).

Thank you so much for the kind words. I was starting to feel like maybe I made a mistake by trying to have her abscess treated since she was still eating and acting normal. Glad to know someone thinks I'm doing the right thing/at least trying my best.

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