BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

What type of bantam Sussex?
Im not sure about the name of the colour in English, Buff blue Colombia ?

This is a full size Sussex in that colour from the chicken encyclopaedia:
The chickens are looking very good.
How has Ini Mini been doing ?
It could be a good idea buying your friend's bantams, so you don't have to raise them as chicks. But bringing in three adult hens will be an interesting integration challenge for your flock 😁.
Ini mini and all the others are doing great.

Today was fun. I put the feed in big buckets with a firm lid to store it safe in the bike shed (we had mice in the shed before).
It was raining and cold. Therefore the utility room (back entrance/ laundry room/ storage room) seemed best for the job.
In the act I spoiled some crumble on the floor, Because the chickens walked around, not far from the back door, I called them inside. Like you would call a dog or a cat to come inside. They responded, seemed curious and wondering why I was calling them inside. 😁 This was not a normal routine for sure. Normally I don’t want them inside to poop on the floor.
Just after a few moments Ini mini, Kraai, Katrientje and Black came inside to eat the spoiled fresh crumble. The other ones didn’t. Janice and Pearl were probably too flighty to trust it.

This feed came straight from the factory and smells stronger, nicer and more fresh than the feed from the shop.

The 3 bantam Sussex from the acquaintance behave like an inseparable trio with 6 much bigger hens in the same coop/run. So I think it’s a bit cruel to separate them.
And besides bringing in one newby is probably more difficult than 3. Taking two would be sad for the bantam thats left behind.

Btw. Not sure if the move is going to happen. If she wants to keep them, I will buy hatchery eggs again for a broody in Mai.
Last weekend I bought 6 beautiful eggs from the ‘neighbour’ who lives around the corner. We talked about the 3 bantam Sussex.

Her chickens are vaccinated against Mareks disease. And I remembered that its a nasty disease if you get this in a backyard hobby flock. So I have been reading and asked a few people what the risk would be.

I made the decision I will not buy them, because of the risk my flock gets infected by the Sussex pullets. My chickens are not vaccinated and any they could get infected by these healthy looking chickens. + Any future chicks risk to get infected by this disease right after hatching.

The Rhine river yesterday.

Come on chicken lady. Its time for our treats.
Last weekend I bought 6 beautiful eggs from the ‘neighbour’ who lives around the corner.
Hatching eggs 😮? Or eggs to eat ?

Why would the vaccinated hens be more of a risk than unvaccinated ones ? Because if they have been exposed they won't show symptoms and you won't know, like people in the beginning of COVID who were carriers but asymptomatic so they didn't necessarily isolate ?
Hatching eggs 😮? Or eggs to eat ?
I buy eggs from this ‘neighbour’ to eat. There’s not even a rooster to fertilise the eggs. And besides that, it’s not a good time for chicks.

Spring is the best time of the year for chicks. I like to follow nature.
There is a good reason most birds hatch their eggs in April May or June.
The chickens pecking order hasn't changed for a long time. Ini mini and Black were the lords of a pasta leftover (with egg and veggies) The other chickens all waited till they were done.



After I had them locked in the neighbour cat came to visit. :plbb Too late to get into the run.

Yesterday I also visited the ‘neighbour’ with the Susex’s again to collect more eggs.
See the size difference between the normal sized snd bantams. !
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We have a little snow today. (Melting already).

The chickens were very chicken this morning. Instead of going into the run, they all went in the tiny coop probably to hide for the big white monster.
Crowded like in an enriched battery cage. 🤣
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Unfortunately my mobile was inside the house.

When I brought some food they dare to come outside.
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Janice was the last scared chicken to come out the tiny coop.


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