Be honest, what would YOU do? Vote.

Be honest, what would YOU do in this situation?

  • Keep 10 chickens. Coop (3.00sqft) Run (7.20sqft) each

  • Keep 9 chickens. Coop (3.33sqft) Run (8.00sqft) each

  • Keep 8 chickens. Coop (3.75sqft) Run (9.00sqft) each

  • Keep 7 chickens. Coop (4.20sqft) Run (10.28sqft) each

  • Keep 6 chickens. Coop (5.00sqft) Run (14.20sqft) each

Results are only viewable after voting.
Also depends on the breeds of chickens.
Leghorns and skinny like chickens are ~3 sqft in coop and 7-8ish sqft in run.
Medium-Large (RIR, BR, etc) are ~4 sqft in coop and 10ish sqft. in run.
XL (Brahmas) I would side with ~5 sqft in coop of 12ish sqft. in run.

Also depends on how often you will let them free range.

I disagree on Leghorns needing less space than Brahmas.

Yes... Leghorns are smaller... but some breeds are much calmer and do not get antsy when confined to a small space. Other breeds when kept in a small space will start feather picking, egg eating, and cannibalistic behaviors.

Size does matter, yes, but I think personality matters MUCH more.
I disagree on Leghorns needing less space than Brahmas.

Yes... Leghorns are smaller... but some breeds are much calmer and do not get antsy when confined to a small space. Other breeds when kept in a small space will start feather picking, egg eating, and cannibalistic behaviors.

Size does matter, yes, but I think personality matters MUCH more.

Thats what she said. (...or that is what he wish she said.) Sorry I am mentally a 13 year old.
Its funny. 50% of vote so far is keep them all and 50% keep as few as possible. Shows people are one side or the other :)

I wanted at least 3 breads and the min order per bread was 3 so thats how i came up with ordering 9... then i read they usually send a extra

I basically will raise all till 4 months and if they all are alive and healty i can make the desicion then....

My brother in law has 6 3 year old hens in a coop/run half this size.... not that that is ok but it puts thoughts in my head.....

If all 10 make it that far i feel like it would be eaiser for me to give away a few then say only 8 made it that far then i would not just want to give away 1 bird or something like that.

time will tell.

Thanks for all the input.
One side sees them as pets that each have a different and unique personality that should be cherished and preserved. The other sees them as livestock that have a purpose and can tolerate. I'm in the middle. I have never seen feather picking or any stress-associated behavior in my flock. Maybe a pecked comb here and there but I wouldn't call that unusual since my dominant hen can be a real B with the bit of RIR in her.
I'd make more room and keep them all. (Coming from the person who just ordered 28 chicks yesterday...) But if you are limited in space or resources to make more space, you are better off having a few and not crowding them. Behaviors from over crowding can get ugly real fast.

I more about apperiences than i should be.... I dont feel like I could add to the coop/run and make it look as good as it does now.
One side sees them as pets that each have a different and unique personality that should be cherished and preserved. The other sees them as livestock that have a purpose and can tolerate. I'm in the middle. I have never seen feather picking or any stress-associated behavior in my flock. Maybe a pecked comb here and there but I wouldn't call that unusual since my dominant hen can be a real B with the bit of RIR in her.

I would say I am in the middle as well WITHOUT ever doing this... that could change... I want production from my ego side but I also look at them as pets or a learning opportunity for my young kids.... I mean I dont even really eat breakfast right now. lol

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