

10 Years
Apr 14, 2014
Would grass clippings work in a chicken coop for bedding rather than wood shavings?
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The grass may work out fine for you, but it would need be dried or cured before the chickens get at it. As noted above cut grass given to chickens can cause them a lot of trouble. When they eat it on your lawn, a grass blade is pulled on and broken off, in small bits. Having access to the whole cut blade of grass is more than some can handle. They need it in small bits, and best to be tugged off, by the bird.

So if you were to spread your clippings out and turn them so as they don't spoil and or mold and do this until the grass is dry, it would work.

I use pine shavings, but only you know what will work for you and your management style. Give it a try…

Best to you and your birds,

So if you were to spread your clippings out and turn them so as they don't spoil and or mold and do this until the grass is dry, it would work.

I spread mine out on the carport to dry. It usually takes 3-4 days, depending on the weather and how often I flip it over with the rake. If I want to speed it up I lay it out on a tarp in the sun - that will get it dried in a day (gotta love that blazing Texas sun, lol!).

The nice thing about the dried grass is that is stays dry in the run. The chickens are constantly scratching, turning it, and rooting around in it, so it never gets compacted down. When it rains the very top layer will get a little damp, but it quickly dries. I've had the same batch of grass in there for a month and it looks & smells completely fresh.

That said - I think it works so well because I have a covered run. I'm not sure about an open run - with a lot of rain I think it would get mucky pretty quickly.

To the OP - the nice thing is you can try it for free, and if you don't like it then it's super easy to rake up and toss in the compost bin. It isn't a huge investment like a truckload of sand is!
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