Beginning a Poultry Farm/Hatchery - Thoughts and advice?

Oh man, for sure! I used to sell my papered dogs at 1200 each, now we're down to 800. It is sad but I have too much invested to just quit
We ended up just eating the ones we couldn't sell. Shame, they were beautiful rabbits. Can't exactly do the same in your case though šŸ˜…
Interesting to read this thread. I am happy that more people like you are getting into smaller hatchery business since it seems the giant production Chicken hatcheries and egg production facilities are under attack by??? Over 200 food production facilitiesā€¦even big name ones burned to the ground. Very concerning especially to families who donā€™t have access to eggs in their local communities. Best of luck and prayers for your new business!
Interesting to read this thread. I am happy that more people like you are getting into smaller hatchery business since it seems the giant production Chicken hatcheries and egg production facilities are under attack by??? Over 200 food production facilitiesā€¦even big name ones burned to the ground. Very concerning especially to families who donā€™t have access to eggs in their local communities. Best of luck and prayers for your new business!
Thank you! That's one thing we have talked about as well. ā¤ļø
I'm not sure if it still applies, but when I was young, I read some advice in a fiction series that had some generally good tidbits at times (ok, it was a horse series :p), that stuck with me.
Regarding the plethora of horse farms in Kentucky. It went something like...

The farms that built up slowly, gaining experience, bloodlines, and reinvesting the profits back into the farm infrastructure, they survived the downturns and stood the test of time.

The farms that were launched quickly, mostly on credit, so that they had to turn a profit quickly or fail... well, they failed.
Any one incident (fire, illness) or period of economic downturn could be the end, and the owners were ruined.

Now I'm not sure if this still applies to the modern world. I got all my business education from horse books :p
Some startups nowadays seem able to launch on a wing and a prayer and somehow make it. Do we know how many fail?
Rather than saying "don't", I'm encouraging you to consider how. Huge investments from the get-go may not be logical.

Here's where, in my own life, I try to find a super logical, strategic thinker to bounce things off of.
I think @U_Stormcrow might fit the bill. Consulting fees may apply (hehe).
It very much applies in my opinion. Because your reputation is what will set you apart from every other hatcher. And that takes time. You can't buy nor teach reputation

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