Beginnings of bumblefoot?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 2, 2013
A hen has been limping around and crouch-walking since last Saturday, and after catching her (which is a red flag in itself, she's normally like greased lightning) and ruling out a few other things (still laying eggs so not egg bound) I finally managed to get a good look at her feet after soaking them:

Sorry the pictures aren't the best, trying to balance a very unhappy chicken on your lap isn't easy. Aside from a very small red sore in the pad of each foot, there are many other little cuts and abrasions on her feet with some black oval-shaped scabs on her toes. I don't see any serious swelling but it's definitely pink and irritated-looking. I'm wondering if it's bumblefoot, an issue with the perches, or the wet weather causing something else.
it could be bumble foot, but it looks like she has stood on something sharp and nicked it, try to keep it clean and dry till it heals, if it looks like bumble foot then you could have a look at it but otherwise leave it to heal then have another look
it could be bumble foot, but it looks like she has stood on something sharp and nicked it, try to keep it clean and dry till it heals, if it looks like bumble foot then you could have a look at it but otherwise leave it to heal then have another look
I don't know what any of them could have stood on that's sharp, but we've got her in our "healing box" right now.

yes its bumblefoot, give her a shot with gentamicin(0.5ml) directly in the bump!!!
I have never heard of this? What are the risks and how is it acquired?
Batryl is enrofloxacine antibiotic but in this situation the better antibiotic is amoxicilian or peniciline or gentamicin! Please ask the vet, good luck!
Yes looks like bumbble foot for sure I whould ask your vet for clavamox or something simmilar to that I had a few hens with bummble foot and I whould soak there feet in epson salt with very warm water I whould apply colodial silver which your vet will carry then I whould wrap there feet in vet wrap and change this daily and also medicate with the clavamox and they made a full recovery.
Well the vet said it wasn't bumblefoot.. yet. And she wouldn't limp for anyone and hopped up fine. I'm still keeping her in the healing box to watch her feet, and also let the bloodfeathers on her back grow in before the rooster scratches them all off again. I should really dust off the sewing machine and make some hen aprons...

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