Belated New Member Introduction

BY Bob

Proprietor, Fluffy Butt Acres
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jan 1, 2016
Hershey, PA
My Coop
My Coop
It's funny how time flies. I bumped into this web site 2.5 years ago and thought "Well I'll give this a quick try. I'm not sure how I fell about this." I thought I poke around gather some info and move on. Why bother introducing yourself when you won't be around long.

This is the ONLY website I check into regularly and post on consistently. The community that I have found here is unlike any other website. I do not even do Facebook but I do BYC! Thank you all for welcoming me and bringing me into your community.

So here we are 2.5 years later and I realized I never introduced myself. For anyone who has ever wondered, here are my answers to the standard questions.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
It has been about 6 years since we got our first chicks. it all started with my wife seeing chicks at Tractor Supply and wanting some. I have never seen her sadder when i told her i could not see us supporting 6 hens (the minimum you had to buy). If she could find someone to take 4 I thought we could support 2. Having raised chickens for food and eggs as a child and into my early teens, i really did not like them. They were a chore. But I love my wife and can't bear to see her sad, so I gave in, we got 6 leghorn chicks and we were off.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
We are down to 2 with the loss of my best friend Daisy. We do however have 4 new chicks on order and expect them to arrive in 2 weeks.:wee

(3) What breeds do you have?
Right now we have 2 Farmers mix, but Lilly seems to be mostly Australorp. We have 2 Lavender Orpingtons, an Easter Egger and a Super Blue on order from My Pet Chicken.

(4) How did you find out about
Google. One of our original hens, Trisha, was egg bound and i was looking for help.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I love open wheel racing (F1 & Indy) and working on my 1985 Alfa Romeo. Of course my chickens are my other passion right now.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I travel for a living and I have had to make everything to do with "the ladies" as easy as possible for my wife. She loves the girls but has been known to not visit them everyday.

I have a daughter that is an architectual engineer and she developed plans for our coop. When I do put up the coop page up I should have good plans for everyone.

When we got our chicks we got a coop from tractor supply that was sized for 6 hens. That was a crock. If you are looking to get chckens DO NOT fall for their sizing. You need far more space.
Hi Bob and thank you for sharing. Sorry bout Daisy :hugsso happy to hear you are getting more.
I've had mine since April and now cant imagine life without them. I like you have BYC no Facebook and check in or read here every day. I enjoy looking at the pics, guessing genders, and absorbing all the info. I'd of been lost without this site as I had never had chickens. I'm thankful for everyone that takes the time to share and answer questions and help. BYC is a special place.
Enjoy your day :wee
Welcome Bob!
I had to giggle when I read about how your wife is the one that wanted them yet you get to take care of them.


I have absolutely fallen in love with these animals that I thought were so stupid when i was younger. I missed out on a lot.

I should add some photos so here you go. These are our current 2, Patsy and Lilly

And my recently departed best friend Daisy


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