Best Chicken Photo Contest! PRIZE - Ends July 1st



Jun 13, 2022
Before you enter this contest...

Pictures of eggs, feathers, and poop (forgive me) do not count.
You can post photos of multiple chickens in it, but you can only choose one chicken to have it's name in the winner's photo.
You may post photos of chicks.
You can only post one photo every message.

The winner's prize will be a picture of your chicken in front of the background of your choice with it's name in the color of your choice. (please tell me what color you want the background and name to be as long as they're not the same color and the chicken's name in your post.) The contest will end July 1st and whoever posts a picture on or after that day will not be counted in the contest.

And to everyone who doesn't win, don't go too hard on yourself. This is just a contest and your beautiful birds are very special no matter what.

Have fun! Your judge, Fwoof
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Betty and Bigbird having bonding time. If I win could I please have a black background with their names, (if only one name then Betty.) In Yellow, please.
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Wild Claws
(you will be added to the contestants list if you join the contest)
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This sounds like fun! ☺️How many entries? And do guinea chicks count or is this only for chickens?
This contest can have as many entries as posible, before July 1st.
Since this is a chicken photo contest, if you have chickens, I'd suggest you should do a picture of them instead of the guinea chicks, but if the guineas are all you got, it's fine to post a photo of them!

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