Best heritage meat rabbits for Mississippi weather

miss heny

BYC Cryptid
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 30, 2010
Louisville, Mississippi
We're in the process of restructuring our rabbit house and I been given the task to find a rabbit breed that can handle the mississippi heat without needing and I quote "repeat ice water bottles in the summer".

I would like a heritage breed so there a alternative market if we opt to sell live kits. Gimme what y'all got and bonus if you can provide hot weather advice to help with the heat.
All of ours took ice bottles in the summer out here. Not because they were ill suited to being raised in hot weather, but because they were heavy animals with fur, inside an uninsulated building where they couldn't leave to find cooler shade or a breeze
All of ours took ice bottles in the summer out here. Not because they were ill suited to being raised in hot weather, but because they were heavy animals with fur, inside an uninsulated building where they couldn't leave to find cooler shade or a breeze
Going to have their pen with shade and marble slabs. We get pretty decent airflow throughout the property but I have wondered if we did Solar fans that would help.
You have thoughts on this?
You bet I do 😄

My personal choice would be Havana. They're not huge, but they grow fast. By the time they were ready to butcher they were as big as my rex fryers. So if you do the maths that's a five and a half pound (fully grown) rabbit growing just as big as a nine pound (fully grown) rabbit by twelve weeks, they were all about 4-5lbs and they aren't big boned. They have an easier time cooling off because they're smaller, they raise kits much better through the heat, they eat half the feed, and they're known for their silky pelts and sweet temperaments.

For size and popularity I have to pick the Californian. They get big fast, and I've only lost a handful to the heat. 4-Hers love em and they're easy to get ahold of. But I've have issues with their mothering capabilities. They'll eat their young if you look at em funny, but maybe that's just mine😂

For heat tolerance I like my TAMUKS they're a good size and they are very hardy. Haven't had any tamuk babies tho, so I can't say wether or not they make good moms, and I don't know about their growth.

NZWs may also be a good choice, and Florida Whites.
Look for thin pelts, medium bodies, and chill temperaments in any rabbit meant to live in the south.
You bet I do 😄

My personal choice would be Havana. They're not huge, but they grow fast. By the time they were ready to butcher they were as big as my rex fryers. So if you do the maths that's a five and a half pound (fully grown) rabbit growing just as big as a nine pound (fully grown) rabbit by twelve weeks, they were all about 4-5lbs and they aren't big boned. They have an easier time cooling off because they're smaller, they raise kits much better through the heat, they eat half the feed, and they're known for their silky pelts and sweet temperaments.

For size and popularity I have to pick the Californian. They get big fast, and I've only lost a handful to the heat. 4-Hers love em and they're easy to get ahold of. But I've have issues with their mothering capabilities. They'll eat their young if you look at em funny, but maybe that's just mine😂

For heat tolerance I like my TAMUKS they're a good size and they are very hardy. Haven't had any tamuk babies tho, so I can't say wether or not they make good moms, and I don't know about their growth.

NZWs may also be a good choice, and Florida Whites.
Look for thin pelts, medium bodies, and chill temperaments in any rabbit meant to live in the south.
Havanas sound like the most promising ones. 4H is starting to kick off rabbit showing so I wanted a secondary market 😅 I personally don't eat rabbit but my parents do. With them being smaller that'll be perfect.
Havanas sound like the most promising ones. 4H is starting to kick off rabbit showing so I wanted a secondary market 😅 I personally don't eat rabbit but my parents do. With them being smaller that'll be perfect.
Awesome! They're fairly rare so it's always great when new people start breeding them. They're my personal all around favorite.
My netherlands dwarf rabbits are just pets but they're extremely popular among the 4-H showmen, I always have people contacting me to ask about them. So if you're interested in breeding for fun colors and pets but not food, they're a great choice.
Awesome! They're fairly rare so it's always great when new people start breeding them. They're my personal all around favorite.
My netherlands dwarf rabbits are just pets but they're extremely popular among the 4-H showmen, I always have people contacting me to ask about them. So if you're interested in breeding for fun colors and pets but not food, they're a great choice.
Yeah there ALOT of breeder of them in this area.

We're fine traveling even a few states over for quality stock of rare animals, to me its a bonus if in texas cuz my Boyfriend lives there currently :D

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