Best kind of breeds to raise???


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
So I just raised two chickens from babies to 3 months and found out they were roosters and had to get rid of them. I'm thinking of getting two more but I want to get some really perfect chickens. Two different kinds that are really friendly towards everyone. Any suggestions on two different really friendly breeds?

I previously had a white plymouth rock and a silver wynadotte and they were'nt so friendly. Maybe cause they were roosters? Idk
Well you are likely to get many different opinions on this one lol I have 2 barred rocks, 2 red sex links, and 2 black sex links (all are pullets). My barred rocks are my favorite, very sweet birds. One of my RSLs has become very friendly as well.
My red sex links have always been the friendliest chickens, hands down. I would also suggest Salmon Faverolles as they are not necessarily friendly but are often airheaded and with taming can be pretty docile with people (though sometimes they are aggressive with other chickens).
I vote for red sex links too... they are the friendliest.... the best layers.... and the calmest... soo sweet...
Wow sex links? I've google'd them and I really like how they look. I think that might be my top pick. Thank guys! :)
Also, I've heard a lot about silkies. What do you guys think? Will those two breeds go together?
Yeah chickens don't prefer the company of their breed.... they think that a chicken is a chicken.... so it depends mostly on the personality of each bird here....and if you want babies now and then a silkie will be the top option... as they go broody always.... but their eggs are a bit smal and they're not the best layers... but they are sweet and nice looking birds.... especially thr white ones and the brown ones...
When I was decided on a breed of chicken, I didn't just look at how pretty, or how friendly, but also, where I live, are they cold hardy, or heat hardy, what did I want them for, eggs only, pets, dual pupose? ( meaning meat and eggs ) how much do will they eat full grown. How do they get along with other breeds...not all chickens will get along with other breeds...

I decided on the BR's, for one, I had raised them, with my Daddy, for near 30 years, back in the 60's and on...although those where the heritage Plymouth Barred Rocks, not the mixes that come from a hatchery...

I picked them for their egg laying qualities, they are the second top layer and lay even in cold winters with shorter daylight, although a bit less. I picked them for their friendliness, their color, as they aren't the "normal" prey color, being the black and white coloring, and are VERY cold hardy and their combs don't breeze in very cold temps.

They are a dual purpose bird, so will eat more than say, a bantam, and the heritage birds, which I have ordered for next spring, will go broody, which I want, because I really don't want or like to raise them in my little cabin....I also have some heritage Dominiques to pick up in the spring, and although they have the double comb, they are bred right here, so the breeder must've worked out the comb issue. Plus the Dom's as the BPR's are both great mothers and do go broody...prolly not the hatchery bunch I have, which are FAR from the SOP...but they should give a good egg production, laying about an egg a day.

I want some broodies to rasie the chicks, as they know more about raising them than I do...and they can do all the work teaching the chicks and I also plan to brood them with the Hens, in their coops so integration should not be an issue, as the mother is very protective of their chicks!!!

Sooo...all these things I took into account when picking the breed/breeds I wanted in my flock ! Hope this helped a bit! Best of luck with whatever breed you pick.

I have never raised buff orpingtons, but have heard they are very docile, friendly, and make great mothers also! Still a predator color though...and being so docile, don't make out too well with the more top hens and some dominant breeds!

I have lots of predators here, so needed to take that into consideration, as I am thinking of doing some free ranging, but haven't made up my mind more thing about the Barred Plymouth Rocks...the Roosters get large and are very good at protecting the flock from predators...another part of my decision in this breed.

I mentioned that I have 2 RSL and one was becoming friendly. I guess I'll mention that the other one is a butthead, her name is Mother Clucker for that very reason. I've thought about ringing her neck more than a few times but I do think she is slowly calming down. I haven't yelled at her lately :)
Have raised White Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks and Delawares...Picked the breeds because I wanted friendly birds. I currently have 2 Barred Rock Roosters and as the other poster said... they are EXCELLENT in protecting the flock. My girls all free-range on our 7 acres that is mostly wooded and I haven't lost but 1 bird to predators over the past 3 years... I think my White Pyrenees protector dog has helped in that area too. He is VERY protective of all the girls.

On the personalities of the chickens, the Buff Orpingtons are definitely the most docile - which is the reason I did not order them in this round of new chicks. I LOVE THEM BUT they do tend to get terribly hen-pecked... I have had excellent luck with my White Rocks too, BUT I spend an inordinate amount of time with them as babies and handle them alot. I love to be able to pick up my chickens in the yard and have them run up to get whatever treat I have for them that day. Interestingly enough, while white rocks are rarely broody, the hen that I have had go broody on me 2 years running is my "Cotton Candy" girl who is a White Rock. She was a wonderful mama hen.

I decided to get hatchery chicks again because of the hen/rooster ratio that I had when I hatched my own eggs and I want egg layers. I am not interested in dual purpose chickens because although I was raised a farm girl, I CANNOT eat my hens... Silly maybe, but that is me... to each their own on that front. I did want GREAT layers though because I have a ton of people I work with who LOVE free range eggs and at our church too, so I tend to give alot of eggs away. I decided this time to get more Plymouth White Rocks and Golden Buffs. Same personality, both cold hardy, great layers and friendly calm birds... I can say as chicks the Golden Buffs seem to be less flighty.

Enjoy your girls and I hope you love them half as much as I do mine! <3

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